WTF is up with "AffiliateWide" Deducting from Comm and not ANW?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
I don’t mean to lighten the mood here.. nor do I wish to enter this discussion, however I would like to congratulate Guru for the best one liner I’ve seen on AGD this year.

A true classic: Hell, I can piss $339.00 before I've even had my first cup of coffee in the morning!

Very Good


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I don’t mean to lighten the mood here.. nor do I wish to enter this discussion, however I would like to congratulate Guru for the best one liner I’ve seen on AGD this year.

A true classic: Hell, I can piss $339.00 before I've even had my first cup of coffee in the morning!

Very Good

LOL, Thanks brother...I think it's now "Beer Thirty"! O0:emoticon-0169-dance:emoticon-0167-beer:

AffiliateWIDE Steve

Affiliate Program Representative
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
TheGamblingGuru, I understand the thinking behind your post, however the Bad Deposits - No Settlement column in the Rival backend shows the commission you would have earned on the bad deposits, not the actual total deposits lost.

For example if we added the total amount of lost deposits your account would be in a negative.

Again we regret the loss to affiliates, but we have also taken huge loses upon us in the past to ensure that affiliates have not lost out in such circumstances.
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Robwin, I understand the thinking behind your post, however the Bad Deposits - No Settlement column in the Rival backend shows the commission you would have earned on the bad deposits, not the actual total deposits lost.

For example if we added the total amount of lost deposits your account would be in a negative.

Again we regret the loss to affiliates, but we have also taken huge loses upon us in the past to ensure that affiliates have not lost out in such circumstances.

Thanks for the reply Steve but your post really does not explain much at all if anything...

So how much EXACTLY were the "Bad Deposits" based on my screenshot pic that shows a total of $1,300 in OVERALL Deposits?

Because the way you guys are figuring this is that I only had a total of $155 in ANW earnings...CORRECT?

If you guys are going to be messing around with our commissions then either AffiliateWide or Rival one needs to be a hell of a lot more transparent here regarding EXACT Deductions and Amounts!

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AffiliateWIDE Steve

Affiliate Program Representative
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
I know the loss of these funds is frustrating but as mentioned eCheck were one of our main processors after loosing eWalletXpress. Yes you are correct you earned commission on $155 in deposits.

I think what has confused the issue is the term Bad Deposits - No Settlement: and I will mention this to Rival so that its more transparant.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I agree 100% with that. If Rival programs are going to make us responsible for their processors, then we need a LOT more transparency... every day of every month we would need deposit, deposit type, etc..

Right now you can do whatever you want :( It's not transparent (not even close) and it looks from an affiliate-perpspective (or any idiot looking at it) that it is EASILY FUDGE-ABLE.

I'm not happy with this either. Not from Affiliate Wide, not from Deckmedia.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I know the loss of these funds is frustrating but as mentioned eCheck were one of our main processors after loosing eWalletXpress. Yes you are correct you earned commission on $155 in deposits.

I think what has confused the issue is the term Bad Deposits - No Settlement: and I will mention this to Rival so that its more transparant.

Exactly Steve, because from my point of view that $292 ONLY appeared to be the TOTAL Amount of Bad Deposits and not the $975 as it appears to be now, according to you.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Also Steve, or anyone else for that matter at AffiliateWide...we could have avoided this entire public thread here if you were only ever on Skype or MSN chat. I would have been more than happy to discuss all of this in private with one of you guys but I never see you log-in and I'm on both of those damn near 24/7. Google Chat too..

I'm sure you know why I did not sent this mess thru email as you did not reply to my last 3 emails from a couple weeks ago about another matter.

AffiliateWIDE Steve

Affiliate Program Representative
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
Robwin, Steve is based in Israel and does not work on Fridays, however I am available and you can contact me on Skype: <personal details removed, personal request>

Best Regards
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AffiliateWIDE Steve

Affiliate Program Representative
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score

There are a few people for some reason or another that cannot see me on skype, and I do not know what the cause of this is

My replies to e mails are within a matter of a few hours always, even on weekends, in the middle of the night etc. If you did not get a reply from me there is a good chance I did not see your e mail.

In terms of our transparency, you can e mail me on an individual basis and I will get you a list of the transactions via this processor.

We can handle this like professionals and do not need create a tsunami when only clouds exist.

You know us and you know our reputation; we should be given the benefit of the doubt as we work through this with you all


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
We need to demand Rival does this across the board so everything is black and white for us, no more guessing games.

Exactly! We are not stupid I do not thing for one min that ALL of our players used eCheck but the Rivals will take this opportunity to rob us of all our earnings as they did the last time. This will become the norm with Rivals since they don't have to answer for any type of audit t affiliates of the actual breakdown on deps.

I think we need to start a thread about this and direct to Rival/Bonne Chance or whom ever developed the affiliate back end they need to know have a column that shows what method each player used to deposit along with the amount!!<!-- / message -->


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score

There are a few people for some reason or another that cannot see me on skype, and I do not know what the cause of this is

Nah, I see you on there, just never see ya turn Green. It always shows you as being logged off on my end.

My replies to e mails are within a matter of a few hours always, even on weekends, in the middle of the night etc. If you did not get a reply from me there is a good chance I did not see your e mail.

Yes, that surprised me as well...that I never received any response to any of those last emails from earlier in the month. I reckon I could forward them to you again if you like...

In terms of our transparency, you can e mail me on an individual basis and I will get you a list of the transactions via this processor.

I appreciate that. Thanks

We can handle this like professionals and do not need create a tsunami when only clouds exist.

I agree...but to tell ya the truth Steve, I don't really believe that's it's either you nor I that have created this tsunami, but rather RIVAL themselves. Their continued SILENCE in all of these matters over the last several months have certainly not helped their case at all.

You know us and you know our reputation; we should be given the benefit of the doubt as we work through this with you all

I've got one more "benefit of the doubt" left in me that Rival do the right thing with their affiliate partners then after that...well...:rolleyes:

Whether that is Rival showing more transparency or actually taking the time to take part in communications here with their partners, but something has got to give.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
I just had a look at my Affiliate Wide stats. Normally I rely on the figures in StatsRemote, but the deductions aren't reflected there -- a manual look is necessary.

Needless to say, I'm not impressed. 100% of my earnings are being pocketed! :mad:

But, in my particular case, the amount taken back matches my "ANW Comm" amount. In other words, they are snatching the rev-share percentage amount only, which is the way it should be done, if it has to be done at all.

Example: If ANW is $1,000, and if I earn 25%, my ANW Comm is $250. In the Summary table, Total Direct Commission is $250, and Bad Deposits - No Settlement is also $250 (not $1,000).

To get this info, I clicked the Reporting tab and selected the Commission Report for March 2011.
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I just had a look at my Affiliate Wide stats. Normally I rely on the figures in StatsRemote, but the deductions aren't reflected there -- a manual look is necessary.

Needless to say, I'm not impressed. 100% of my earnings are being pocketed! :mad:

But, in my particular case, the amount taken back matches my "ANW Comm" amount. In other words, they are snatching the rev-share percentage amount only, which is the way it should be done, if it has to be done at all.

Example: If ANW is $1,000, and if I earn 25%, my ANW Comm is $250. In the Summary table, Total Direct Commission is $250, and Bad Deposits - No Settlement is also $250 (not $1,000).

To get this info, I clicked the Reporting tab and selected the Commission Report for March 2011.

Still though, it should be reflected as them removing the $1,000 in total deposits which it don't. Like previously said, these Rival programs need to add quite a bit more to their reporting facility.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Considering we have been through this with Rivals in past I think affiliates need to make the decision to pull them or continue to work with them and accept these losses.Writing is already on the wall as to what they have to do when processors are hit , this will not be the last we see of this.For myself we have Rival specific pages for the players who do like the software but we will not be listing any Rival elsewhere .I also look a bit deeper when making my decision and wonder just how stable these casinos are financially as there have been many losses and I imagine they have paid out many wins on these deposits which they have since lost.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Considering we have been through this with Rivals in past I think affiliates need to make the decision to pull them or continue to work with them and accept these losses.Writing is already on the wall as to what they have to do when processors are hit , this will not be the last we see of this.For myself we have Rival specific pages for the players who do like the software but we will not be listing any Rival elsewhere .I also look a bit deeper when making my decision and wonder just how stable these casinos are financially as there have been many losses and I imagine they have paid out many wins on these deposits which they have since lost.
Agreed. I moved the Affiliate Wide and Deck Media casinos to the bottom of my list, so that they appear only on Rival-specific pages. I don't want to build a significant player base at those programs anymore.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
I stll say they have to put this in their T&Cs, and explain how it's done there also.


  1. AGD Terms Certification
    Terms and Conditions
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed



Audit coming soon

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