Affalliance Audit Report

Do You Work With Affalliance?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Will Try

    Votes: 2 18.2%

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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hello AGD community,

Today we present to you the real revenue share audit report for Affalliance.

They have BoVegas Casino as their brand.

Affiliate Reporting Platform: cellxpert

Test signup and deposit is made from Country ‘Serbia’
Affiliate Reporting Platform.jpg

We deposited $25 via BTC and took a match bonus of 250%.

Cashier 1.jpg

Our funds with the bonus were $87.50 and we started playing some slots:

Slot 1 Start.jpg

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Slot 3 End.jpg

Eventually, we lost all the funds and checked the earnings report:

For the deposit of $25 via BTC our commission was $11.25.
Since we have a 45% deal with them, the NGR is $25.

To summarize, the Effective Net Gaming Revenue (the amount of money deposited and lost) is 25/25= 100% which is a great result!

Finally, multiply the advertised revenue share rate with the Effective NGR to see your real revenue share rate, e.g:
  • 25% = 25%
  • 30% = 30%
  • 35% = 35%
  • 40% = 40%
  • 45% = 45%
*Results of the new audit report can be seen here.


  • Stats.jpg
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2011
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good stuff


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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The only posts we have ever seen from players about this casino have been complaints about being ripped off. I guess thats how they can afford to pay the full 100% to affiliates.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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I wouldn't have bothered but seeing as you just called me a troll and laughably characterised your operation as "honest" here we go...

Something smells fishy in BoVegas Casino (RTG)

Players note remarkable similarity between Bovegas operations and that of Affactive (an old rogue group run by criminals that was shut down when the FBI intervened). We soon find out they employed ex-Affactive staff, have the same BS withdrawal rules that depend on the old undefined "player class" (translation: they deliberately slow pay everyone in tiny instalments), tiny weekly withdrawal limits, and deliberately slow approval process. Oh and not forgetting the "you can't withdraw if you haven't deposited in the last 30 days" scam that Affactive was notorious for. Other players soon show up complaining of not being paid.

Scam Bovegas Casino
Player complains about unauthorised charges on their credit card after depositing at Bovegas. Other players show up complaining about being stuffed around, slow paid, and not being paid.

BoVegas Delayed Payments
Another player complaining about being given grief when they try to withdraw, with the casino only sending tiny instalments of a couple hundred dollars every few weeks.

Bovegas is a spammy casino scam
Indian spammer trying to post BS on our forum promoting Bovegas, and attempting to confuse readers into thinking they are somehow related to Bovada (which no doubt is the whole point of the stupid name). By the way I don't think you're paying for the sharpest spammers in the world, as the fool tried to post in Portuguese to an English language forum.

So I stand by my statement:
The only posts we have ever seen from players about this casino have been complaints about being ripped off.

Aside from the one post from a paid spammer, every single other person who posted on our site who had played at your casino was complaining.

The truth is that you run a bunch of shitty casinos that prey on unsuspecting players by making it as difficult as possible to ever get paid. Of course I know that most affiliates never have/had trouble getting paid by the likes of Affactive, Gambling Wages, Revenue Jet etc, so I'm under no illusions that the same applies to your affiliate program. It's a classic tactic of rogue operations that use affiliates to keep pulling in new marks.

But hey, cheer up. This post will probably gain you a few new unscrupulous affiliates that go for that sort of thing. For those affiliates who actually do care about where their players are referred, take note.

Merry Christmas to you too.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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Sheesh I'm destroyed. How about that for an amazing comeback full of intelligence, insight, wit, and winning arguments. Truly devastating stuff.

Actually as it appears that you are a bit simple, I must disclose that I was being sarcastic just then.

There was nothing fake about anything I wrote at all. You asked for evidence to back up what I said so I gave it to you. You presented nothing to refute or disprove any of it, just ignored it all and cried "fake news" and "troll" because you have nothing better to say.

I don't even know your websites are you an affiliate?

Uhuh. Ooooookay. I see. Sorry, my mistake. I assumed you had the brain of a functioning adult. It appears though that you're not smart enough to work out what my website is or whether I am even an affiliate. So um... I'm sorry to tell you this dude... but it's pretty clear from that response that you never read any of what I wrote there. Try clicking those links and you, yes even even you, might just be able to work it out. Re the latter, it requires some "special" mental gymnastics to conclude that I would waste my time posting on a forum for affiliates over a number of years if I wasn't an affiliate. But it would appear that you do "special" quite well.

I truly don't understand what you are trying to gain here.

Why must everything be about "gain"? What I am trying to do here is to prevent even more uninformed players from being shuffled off to your shithole casinos to be ripped off. I am warning other affiliates that care about where their players are referred. I don't gain anything material from warning people but it does give me some satisfaction to help people avoid being ripped off. Crazy huh? Inconceivable! Actually it is very revealing that you assume that no-one here would do anything that wasn't for their own personal gain.

for those who want to sit over the forums and write posts rather than make money welcome to Join CL-ED affiliate program he will teach you how to troll every other affiliate program online.

LOL. How cute. A child could do better. Try harder next time.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"And you should be banned from this forum"

If someone demands, that a person should be banned from a public place because of her/his opinion, the human right to have such an opinion and to express it in an individual way, then this is a sign of total weakness.

And it's bad.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 26, 2015
Reaction score
You need to get a life or a wife.

And you should be banned from this forum it will might help you on achieving one of the two.

I'd recommend you to get a second username here, unrelated to your affiliate program, to post such insults, so that it's clear that you write this as a private opinion and not as a program representative.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Hahahah. Well now look who is triggered! :D The truth really does hurt sometimes doesn't it.

I love the irony of intellectually stunted babies like yourself insulting someone then complaining when you get it back. You still have posted nothing of substance - you just attack the man rather than the argument over and over.

Your red faced anger and rage is coming through plain and clear. While you are there, maybe you could take some time to reflect on how your players must feel when they try to withdraw $8000, and you deliberately troll them by making them wait months for a payment of $240. Or when they win $25,000 and you send them $250 then bombard them with emails and bonus offers encouraging to play some more to lose their winnings. Or the numerous others on the threads I linked to, which add up to far more than "2 complaints" (nice attempt at downplaying the reality).

So go on, have another pop at me. Insult me, whine, ask for me to be banned, do whatever you have to do to derail because you clearly have nothing to address the points raised. Keep at it because the hole you are digging just keeps getting bigger. You're doing an excellent job of painting a picture of exactly who the sort of people are behind your operation. It is plain for all to see here.

PS have you figured out what my website is yet? Did I give you enough clues?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"we always pay affiliates"

According to your terms this is not absolutely necessarily the case:

G. Termination

(1) This agreement may be suspended, canceled or terminated without cause by either party

"without cause"

You should replace this with "in case of any violations of this terms".

Only then you can say, at least from the legal point of view of the terms, that you "always pay affiliates".

The small but crucial details are the most important thing.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
LOL. :D Still nothing worthwhile to say I take it?

We are separate entities one is creating the marketing strategy and working with affiliates where the other manages the casinos and sets the T&C.

Sure you are. *cough* bullshit *cough*

You are frustrated about something which I hope will be solved soon with talking someone professional

Again I've heard better insults from children. Stay classy by the way. Making fun of people's mental health is a total dick thing to do. Most people know that.

we pay 100% of he affiliates earnings and we pay on time and we always pay affiliates

Look, I know we've already established that you are a few cans short of a six pack (btw that is a dig at your mental capacity, not health) but I already addressed that point a week ago. Go back and read what I wrote. I'll even quote myself for you and then I will give you the ELI5 (explain like I'm 5) version, which I know might be even a bit advanced for you but its the best I can do to dumb it down enough.

Of course I know that most affiliates never have/had trouble getting paid by the likes of Affactive, Gambling Wages, Revenue Jet etc, so I'm under no illusions that the same applies to your affiliate program. It's a classic tactic of rogue operations that use affiliates to keep pulling in new marks.

ELI5 version: You and many other well known rogue programs make sure to pay affiliates because it keeps the players coming in, and the players are the ones you rip off. I'm sorry if you still can't understand that but I don't have any crayons handy to draw you a picture.

Just think of all the money you could have made by working with affiliate program that pays 100% of the earnings, maybe you could have even hired an assistant that would help you with your trolling, just an idea

Wooooow. You still think that you're going to convince me that I'm missing out on truckloads of money by not referring players to your clip joints? You really are thicker than a brick. I'm quite comfortable with the amount of money I earn. But clearly your repeated statements obsessing over it indicate that you are not. This is called projection. You are obviously so obsessed with money that you have no shame in working for a bunch of rogue casinos that will do whatever it takes to remove it from its victims pockets. Do you sleep well at night? You shouldn't.

BTW have you decided to sue me yet? Go on, do your best. I love the irony of a rogue casino operator that has deliberately set itself up in some banana republic in order to hide itself from legal action, taxes, and angry players chasing their money threatening to sue people. Why not take a shot? Afraid you might have to reveal who is behind your criminal business? Or perhaps deep down you really do know that what I am saying is the truth.

I eagerly await your next reply. This is like fishing in a barrel.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Oh I almost forgot... I found a few more interesting links.
Blacklisted for ripping off players and ignoring responsible gambling control requests.
Oh my look at all those complaints about not being paid. Of course you're obviously going to say they are all resolved but it doesn't take a genius to work out why that is.

But then my oh my I found this quite astonishing quote on AskGamblers which isn't even about the casino, it is all about you and your affiliate program, which is rated 1/10 there.

Blacklisted: AffAlliance Affiliates program is being blacklisted due to the usage of unethical business practices in its relation with affiliates, including but not limited to lack of communication and cooperation, delayed or declined payments and unprofessional behavior.

Do you know how bad you have to be to get a message like that posted at AG? Those guys will take money from whoever wants to pay them, players be damned. What happened man? I mean you said...

we always pay affiliates

Surely you didn't refuse to pay them? That must mean that even AG got sick of dealing with all the complaints from players? That would be a new one. Oh hang on, maybe you decided to pay them $250 a month for the next 48 years?

Dude really you should stop wasting your time here. You have been well and truly exposed for what you are. Go somewhere else to try to find some naive and/or greedy affiliates. You could always try the GPWA.

Oh wait... this is absolute gold!

After reading that I think it is safe to say that your people skills haven't improved over the last 3 years. What a train wreck of a thread where you got called out and destroyed there for the exact same stuff you're being called out on here. And true to form you managed to insult just about everyone that contributed there also. It is so bad that I am amazed you are still in the same job, and doubly amazed that you're back here trying again. Well... same result I guess.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 26, 2015
Reaction score
...the fact you have too much spare time and this is a result from being lifeless or the fact you dont have a wife or family except maybe a cat or a dog to spend your time with.

I am at my job because I am good at it same as you sitting online fighting with everyone for being frustrated on being failure at life and success of being internet troll.

Now this is getting ridiculous. I suggested to you above that you should write such personal opinions under another username and not as a program representative.
Personally, I'd never hire someone behaving like this as a affiliate program representative because this is not professional behaviour.

BTW if you know that well what a "troll" is you certainly know what "flaming" is, and you are in fact flaming. And flaming is against the AGD forum rules:

PS: I have never dealt with CL-Ed but everyone with an IQ above 80 should be able to figure out what his website is and that he probably is 10x as successful as an average AM.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
"From now and then we have complaints from players that we try to solve and 99% of them are solved."

A good program has no reasonable complaints. In a money business like this industry reasonable complaints are simply unacceptable. Period.

A good program has no maniac managers, who are on tilt due to others people opinions within the blink of an eye. Sometimes less is more and mum's the word.

A good program would never represent animal mockers, because the majority of people loves pets, "to spend [...] time with" and so the majority of affiliates. Or people like me, who have lost the wife and so everything and the life became deaf and mute, and the only not so bad days are characterized when I am able "to spend [...] time" with "a cat or a dog", in my case a Tomcat, rescued from death and three dwarf poodles. Who abuses animals as a weapon in a discussion to make other people look bad, is unwise.

A good program would invest their time not only in discussions but in changing what has to change, the bad terms:

G. Termination

(1) This agreement may be suspended, canceled or terminated without cause by either party

Finally, one may ask: What says ThePogg public about Affalliance?: "Aff Alliance represent operators that were mostly represented by VIP Affiliates before it closed and switched over to promoting Binary Options operators. [...] Frankly, the management of player complaints by this group is enough in itself for us to tell affiliates that they should not work with AffAlliance. This is not a group that has set a high standard in their approach to dealing with unhappy players and the services that assist them over the years."
