Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Online Casino Share

Online Casino Share is the latest GPWA Gold Sponsor. Let's take a closer look at this from the first view good program with a very small admin fee of 10 %, a minimum payout of only $25 and Thank Goodness no Income Access.

The "highlights" published are not complete.

The full negative-carryover policy as suggestested in the overview details does not exist. There is High Roller Policy.

"8.4 As per term 6:16, any negative revenue Share Commission resulting from negative Net Revenue in any calendar month shall not be carried forward to the subsequent month(s) as per terms except in cases outline by term 6:17 or the “High Roller Policy”."


It is suggested, there is no quota, but there is a small one:

"6.5 Minimum Requirements:
If an Affiliate delivers fewer than 1 new real money depositors in any 6-month period, OnlineCasinoShare reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, drop that Affiliate’s Revenue Share Commission to 25% until the Affiliate is able to deliver 1 new, depositing Player.

For a program, which is obviously better than the prior new rip-off artists of GPWA including immediate flop Silly Lili Bet, full details about the terms will not hurt Online Casino Share but help them instead for sure.



Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 16, 2011
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Hey Leopold,

How are you my good friend? Glad to have you back!!


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Thank you Carmel. You are still one of those really good guys in this industry, which can be count on one hand. On the contrary to others you are not serving lip-services, but indeed have shown with actions your supernova balls.

Online Casino Share Update

Obviously the relevant people are reading this thread.

The quota

"6.5 Minimum Requirements:
If an Affiliate delivers fewer than 1 new real money depositors in any 6-month period, OnlineCasinoShare reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, drop that Affiliate’s Revenue Share Commission to 25% until the Affiliate is able to deliver 1 new, depositing Player.

has been removed from the terms.

By one post and I believe, this is more successful than just writing meaningless three-word-robot-post like "Welcome to GPWA" or other great virtuosity directed to the official proclaimed "fearless leader" like "I love you so much Michael", "Wow, what a gigantic booth you have this year'", "Rocket Man would be proud on you", or "Look Michael, the people knows, there is overwhelming and undisputed evidence, your sponsors are the undefeated champions of honesty. If Leopold will be acquitted from all of your charges you made on GPWA in the past, it would be the greatest tragedy in our industry, a cover-up. Such an acquittel would be invalid if witnesses aren't called. I know, you want Rick as a witness, you want the wonderful people from Buffalo as a witness, Fraudnanda from AffPower, DinoG from Club Gold and all the other fine people, who are wearing an electronic monitoring device on their ankle but of course made nothing wrong and did not steal money from any affiliate. It's a fact. It's proven!"


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
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WOW, thank you Leopold for all this stunning information.

Despite high admin fees, there is so much more going on. Nearly all shave on high value players, may it be through "no negative carryover terms and tricks" or other mystery fees and stats manipulation, had it all happening.

Anyone noticed, gpwa doesn't have a valid SSL. do you maybe know, are the owners letting it fall?
And since they are corrupt crooks, as some say, would anyone be so keen and share the names of the people responsible? In order to avoid those people with any new project...
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA is using SSL not for the ordinary people, the normal members, because the mob is not important to them.

SSL is provided to the "Certification" website, when one has the silly idea to really put that GPWA "Approved Website" seal as a Mark of Cain on their websites.

The "approved" websites will be used without any doubts for that worthless directory and other public realation material to spread those data in this way to third parties to make money with it. This is also a reason, why so many people get unwanted emails from programs. It's not only the reps, who are sharing and selling such lists.

Also, this allegedly "massive" amount of approved websites is a hoax.
Many of the listed approved websites are either dead in the meantime, are redirections or have removed that GPWA seal for good reasons.

Here is the hoax list with allegedly 2600+ "approved" websites: http://www.gpwa.org/portal_sites/index.asp?type=approved

Just check 10 or 30 of them. Then you know, what I am talking about.

Who does want to have a Mark of Cain on his website?

Everyone, also players, knows in the meantime, how corrupt GPWA is, and that a majority of their sponsors then and now are a buch of criminals, have not only cheaten webmaster but also thousands and thousands of players.

So if a player is looking at a website and will see that GPWA seal, more and more immediately run away, because they don't believe, what an accomplice of this corruption has to say and to offer with banners or "reviews".

It's committing suicide to put that worthless seal on a website in my opinion.

How big the "empire" of GPWA is, that you can discover at the coming London conference. A loser table booth at the end of the whole building as small as a cat litter box, and it's true!

You are asking for names? So, this is no secret. This one-guy-empire is operated by the proven liar (i can testify for that in my own cases) Michael Corfman and his henchman Richard Bard alias universal4, who hijacked the admin position of GPWA from Anthony due to a coup.

I am curious, if the coup-admin will be present at the London Conference in the GPWA cat-litter box or if he will hide behind the sofa at home with the claim, he has to "moderate" the forum and so cannot be present there.

So if the admin is not present at a conference, it tells you all of the story. If he is present, ask him, if the price was worth it to remove Anthony out of his position with that dirty coup.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Thanks for your detailed info about all this, I'm learning.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Look, there is almost no one who tells the truth about GPWA, because they all fear to lose this private GPWA membership, which is nothing but a door to a private club to share things they want to hide from the public.

In this private club are well known criminals like the Capo of the former Lock Poker Crime Family. GPWA has proven knowledge about this gangster, and for some time the private membership was revoked as my observations have proven, but after some time the full private membership was restored, for me without any doubt by Michael Corfman himself. Until today this criminal is a honored private member at GPWA.

They are protecting criminals by all available means. I am very surprised, why GPWA is not under criminal investigation by the FBI right now, because in the real world someone, who is accomplice of gang fraud, will be punished and put behind bars.

Their #1 most protected and most paying sponsor is the 1xBet Crime Family. They not only have cheaten countless players. They are so dirty, that it's really a shame, that they found a place, where they are allowed to spread their propaganda.

1xBet is still running the 1xbet Porn Hub Live Casino, where topless live dealer acting like prostitutes, but as you can see, GPWA has no problem with that.

Not so the UK Gambling Commission, who does not like underground casinos. After investigations into the 1xBet Crime Family started, they closed their doors in the UK.

1xBet would be the perfect Darknet Casino, because in some countries 1xBet offered bets on "events" with minors. They don't even care about the protection of kids. They also paid for ads on illegal websites.

One was also able to bet with 1xBet on brutal cockfights. Live streams of the barbaric fights have been shown with the logos of footbal clubs Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur.

1xBet was caught using unlicensed video slots, unregistered domains within their operating license agreement as well as usage of graphical content with disputed ownership.

But GPWA says, that's all wonderful. GPWA obviously doesn't care about porn in this industry, doesn't care about the abuse of minors for betting purposes, doesn't care about unlicensed games and doesn't care about all the other dirty things, this gangland program did. They take their money. That's all, they care about. Unfortunately, this is the sad truth.

That's why, the GPWA Seal became more and more a Mark of Cain. With that seal on your website also you are supporting their sponsors and so the dirty things I have listed in this post.

Think about it for a moment, if you love the people and not only those, who fills your wallets.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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My old friend Moonlight Cat, treated so badly by the GPWA forum, despite the fact, he was innocent all the time, woke me up some days ago with a very nice private message here from this forum about my private situation. Shall I shake the shady again, at least for some time?

I am not in the best health condition due to a very serious infection I was fighting for several weeks, with surgeries, with the complete surrender of my immune system and always surrounded by the threat of being infected by Corona, which would be my immediately end.

You can be sure, in this case I would never mentioned in Michael's fake "A Memorial Remembrance for GPWA Members" thread, because he only opened this thread the same day as a flash-bang operation, after he got caught red-handed intentionally ignoring the loss of my wife.

However, when I am down, I never did and never will beg, no matter with a surrogate or not, in the public for money, the last racing car from Star Partners or free tickets for the zoo.

So I wil try to update you like in the past about program details you will never be shown on GPWA, changes you maybe have not noticed there and about the censorship. For the censorship I already have started something to check, how the situation is right now there.

Quick Sponsor news: GPWA's beloved WPN (We pay nothing Affiliates) has fled as a sponsor from GPWA only after a quarter, because the Evil-Sponsor-Protection-System is no longer working that way they believed, they can continue that forever.

Since almost 2 months no new sponsor there at GPWA. On the contrary to other places, who are really interested to find the good, their "We take them all" policy is also not working very good in the moment.

There could be a reason for it.

Anthony, former forum administrator, overthrown by a coup, then moderator, and he also acquired new sponsors.

Now, when you look at his status, he was downgraded (?) again, has obviously no moderator privilieges anymore, is now more interdependent than ever before, because has now official the "Affiliate Services" (for Michael) job, which he already did (in some cases more independent) over all the years, but as an admin and later at least as a moderator.

When Michael puts the bullet at his head, he cannot do this job the way he wish. So this is the next GPWA Psy-Op.

I know first knowledge, how so called "evidence" from Sponsors have been fabricated and presented to the public as the truth. Many times. Now all this protected sponsors are gone, the programs behind forever. What remains, is a really ugly place, and possible sponsors should avoid to pay so much for a bad reputation at the end.

GPWA still believes, they are the kings, and they can do whatever they wants. When you look at the countless of threads there have been censored, by the request of sponsors, how many lies have been spreaded as if all readers are complete idiots, that they really don't care about affiliates but about their sponsors, then I can only appeal to programs to invest their money here on this transparent and fact filled place.

So, I have to drink some water again. Also my water-balance of my body is still not in the right order. All these things take a very long time unfortunately, and after the loss of my wife I still see sometimes no sense for anything, but I have a responsibility for my 3 female dwarf-poodles and my tomcat. This is a very different situation.

Please don't forget social-distancing. All the masks are nonsense. Only a distance of at least 2 meters from each other is a working option, not being infected by Corona.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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With Friends of Drench back to the last century

Friends of Drench, latest GPWA Platinum Sponsor. So wonderful this program, remembers us at the start of the internet, when everything was so exciting, e.g. writing messages via email.

And now with Friends of Drench back to this glory era, the 90's.

Yes, when you want to sign-up at this program, there is no form or phone number or any name on the page whatsoever. Only a private bunker in a sleeping-room in Sofia.

It's just the old fine mailto: command button if you want to sign-up. Go, click the button and enjoy the retro feeling today.

Retro-Feeling will stop immediately, when you recognize, 20 % of your earnings are fees. In the old good times, this would be unthinkable, but GPWA made this admin-fee rip off to a normal standard with their reckless greed to take them all, the bad, the shady and the crazy.

But at least Friends of Drench can call themselves "Platinum". In some months they will recognize, dass "Platinum" at GPWA means "Wood", and that the sponsor money is gone, without any benefit.

It's gone!


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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First of all: My censorship test at GPWA was successful. They are still censoring. One post they published, and then again it's over. That is so a shameful so called "forum".

And you can see that with the new sponsors. Now they have to take the last dirt on Earth to make at least some money like the idiot-program ... what was the name? ... oh yes, Parimatch Affiliates.

Not even they have negative carryover, which makes many affiliates so happy. They also steal all of your money if don't have at least 5 active players in your account every month.

This is the price you have to pay for the missing rip-off fees.

If you have only a fistful of players but a gigantic losing highroller in your account, what a great idea to take some of the small players out of your account and let the highroller lose ... for the program only from now, because the quota will bring you at the edge of insanity, when you see your account filled with money, but you will never see a cent of it in your wallet.

GPWA: We take them all, the crooks, creeps and criminals.

Sponsors at GPWA are more and more the "Anti-Sponsors" in this industry.
Like a Mark of Cain.
What a legacy.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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First of all: My censorship test at GPWA was successful. They are still censoring. One post they published, and then again it's over. That is so a shameful so called "forum".

And you can see that with the new sponsors. Now they have to take the last dirt on Earth to make at least some money like the idiot-program ... what was the name? ... oh yes, Parimatch Affiliates.

Not even they have negative carryover, which makes many affiliates so happy. They also steal all of your money if don't have at least 5 active players in your account every month.

This is the price you have to pay for the missing rip-off fees.

If you have only a fistful of players but a gigantic losing highroller in your account, what a great idea to take some of the small players out of your account and let the highroller lose ... for the program only from now, because the quota will bring you at the edge of insanity, when you see your account filled with money, but you will never see a cent of it in your wallet.

GPWA: We take them all, the crooks, creeps and criminals.

Sponsors at GPWA are more and more the "Anti-Sponsors" in this industry.
Like a Mark of Cain.
What a legacy.


In advance i must say i also prefer to post here than on GPWA.

I have no idea why GPWA include a company and program like this.

For what should this be ? For the russian speaking community ? For the fee they will pay for gold member status ? That's absolutely laughable.

Who comes to the idea to develope and to create a platform like this with customer and partner unfriendly terms ?

Inactivity clause, negative carry over, mix of russia language and english!

I really hope that AGD will not do the same for money and wants to recommand us a program like this. Horrible!

But it would be interesting to know what the russia speaking colleagues think about these platform.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hi Insider,

unfortunately, now also Anthony the new "Affiliate Service" is only a shadow of his former self. After he admitted, that Pariglitch Affiliates has on the top of all the mess a lousy 3-day-cookie and the shitstorm at least of a fistful of people continued, he wrote a so long downplay post, that it could fit 30 of his former posts.

Slogans like "We have fought vigorously against quotas and have terminated our relationships and removed programs from GPWA."

At least half-lies, pure propaganda!

The owner of GPWA never thought about quotas or fees or anything, which is human or fair. Only after I have fought Buffalo Crime Family for more than 6 months, he had to remove than, because the evidence was overwhelming and he in his arrogance and ignorance really thought, he can talk the evidence away, because the GPWA Family really believes, the readers are idiots. Believe me that.

The same with AffActive, they new it all, that they were criminals, all of them, but they terminated the sponsorship only after the FBI knocked at the door.

The Lockdown Poker Capo is still with the exclusive confirmation of Michael Corfleone private member at GPWA. A criminal is Michael's special guest!

It's true!

Then the strange relationsship with the Condor Guys, the lies and protection about tons of evil programs over the years, a mentally ill admin, and a girl, who is doing what?

Nobody knows.

This is the GPWA Family. Oh, I forgot the propaganda guy with his videos, which are so full of nothing in the meantime and only a pure ad and promotion show at the order and will of Michael. Since he called Michael the "fearless leader", he has lost his mind and face.

And look at the downplay and propaganda Pariglitch post of Anthony. Wo gave him thanks for this prewritten-by-Michael-look-alike post?

Cash Bonus, and we all know, who he is, I-want-to-be-good-with-everyone-guy, the girl and the mentally ill coup-admin.

What a great family.

What a great affiliate service.
So great the new programs with fees, quotas, 3-day-cookies, and their no-real-name-no-phone-no-intellect-crooks and as a side-kick their chat robot bimbos for posting answers who have not been questioned and not answering the questions.

China is looking at you, GPWA.
And cheering, for what you are doing to the readers.

I am sorry, but they have been mutated into an idiot-forum.

How could you become like this, GPWA?

What's the matter with you?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Hi Leopold, hope you are doing well again better.

I would love to listen, to discuss and to talk about all these things in one round and in our language. (exchange experiences) Because we can't write down about all these things.

Most of the users in this business are not interested, they don't have a look what is good or bad. They just look at their own things.

Some of them are working with bad companies and are staisfied. Some doing not and report about. How you said there are only a few guys where are doing.

It gives different views and meanings in this business. Each of us decide what is the best for yourself because of money.

Apropos Condor Gaming you mentioned. Here's a short quote from the newsletter week 25
"Speak Out Straightaway
Your affiliate managers are here for you. We’re your superheroes. Speak out to us today and we’ll make things super."

Kind Regards,
Paige: Paige@condor-affiliates.com
Catalina: Catalina@condor-affiliates.com
Nicole: Nicole@condor-affiliates.com
:D A few "superheroes" more in this puppet theater who have nothing to decide.

They wanted to go this way and got the answer this company isn't recommandable. You can't trust!

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hi Insider,
"Apropos Condor Gaming you mentioned. Here's a short quote from the newsletter week 25

"Your affiliate managers are here for you. We’re your superheroes. Speak out to us today and we’ll make things super."

A few "superheroes" more in this puppet theater who have nothing to decide."

"We're your superheroes."

Says a program, which is so short of money, that they needed to use stalling tactics again and again, when a player wants his money. There are many cases.

The best show was seen on Shady Empire GPWA, when booth neigbor Condor asked Rocketman to help them out. So the "Fearless Leader" played this psy-op farce over months on his GPWA, and finally, after the poor Condor superheroes, who lost at that time obviously once again everything with the exception of their panties, they could find some money to pay the player.

We have already some superheroes in this industry. A lot of superheroes. Superheroes due to their fantastic and exemplary behaviour in the public, so that outsiders will see this industry as immoral, selfish, dirty, dishonest, as a pure scam.

A serious business person, if the business has something to do with money, has to be a role model in the public 24/7.
No exceptions.
No excuses.

You want a short list of some superheroes?

GPWA: The Shady Empire




Also starring:


and the legend of all legends in this industry ...


And a special applause for the great newsletter 74th comeback attempt of short of money Condor Gaming and their self-proclaimed superheroes.

Condor Gaming, what is your superpower?


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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On GPWA they are going to pretend, that no fees exists at all.

The representative says in the public: "No Fees: We do not charge admission, administration or payment fees."

"No Fees"

This is not true. He is telling only half the truth.

Suprabets terms and conditions says, that your commission will reduced by license fees.

Of course, they forgot to tell you that by accident.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Megapartners - The next Russian rip-off program

Soviet Union forum GPWA welcomes Megapartners, the next Bitcoin money laundering machine.

Megapartners, professional rip-off artists from Russia are stealing up to 25 % rip-off fee from your commission with the official approval of GPWA. The communists from Megapartners and GPWA headquarter says: "This is worth "Platinum.""

In the meantime Russia is the #1 sponsor country for the Corfman Family.
In some years the only country remaining.

Have you noticed, that the welcome threads are a total flop? With the exception of members of the Corfman Family and associate "Little Cashy" almost no one is interested to write the usual 3-word-nothing or to read, who the new scammer is.

Writers at GPWA can be proud being members of the greatest Russian mole network ever in this industry.

It is not surprising, that the 5 main members of the Corfman Family and associate "Little Cashy" are desperately trying to find a way to re-establish their own version of the forum history.

After hundreds if not thousands of webmasters have been cheated and robbed by GPWA sponsors, it is not an exaggeration to say that GPWA in large parts is a scam, a proven fraud network.

1XBet is a wonderful example. The last days more countless fraud cases from this scammers got my attention. They are under 100 % protection shield by the Corfman Family.

GPWA is really a disgusting place. I really hope, they go broke, because this is the only chance to protect new members from being scammed by the countless fraud programs there.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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NETOPARTNERS - The next desperate GPWA come back sponsor

The so called "Affiliate Services" says in the public about the program:

"Program Admin Fee: On rev-share we deduct processing fee & Games fee, no added program fee"

Very vague. No real percentages of the fees.
Evil to him who evil thinks.

In the terms of Netopartners you will find a large fleet of "fees":

"Gross Revenue" shall mean the sum total of all real money games/bets purchased by a New Player [...] less any third party fees (including payment processing fees, any end-user verification and validation fees, software royalties and any game content fees) attributable to the New Player, less any licensing fees, applicable gaming taxes, value added taxes, duties or similar mandatory payments imposed by any authority having jurisdiction over MNP."

"any third party fees"

... can be indeed really anything, even the money for the poolboy, which is paid by this Bulgarian area of lawlessness backyard program.

Don't forget: No numbers, no percentages, a free ticket for a rip-off this whole fee madness is.

Wake up, stop writing there in the GPWA sponsor welcome threads and areas like most people already refuse to do.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Doors open for every Scumbag Program on this Planet

M88 Partners - Platinum Sponsor

They hurt you with their ridiculous quota, will give you nothing of your money, if you don't have a minimum of 5 active AND wagering players, and this scheme is hanging over you like the Sword of Damocles every single month.

Do you remember the GPWA bigmouths, claiming, they will fight quotas? Did you see one word from the weak coup admin or the other two Corfleone puppets in the welcome thread about the quota?

Only one word?!

Of couse not. They have to take them all now.

And be prepaired to see a commercial ad of M88 in one of the next APCW Perspective propaganda videos if this not already happened.

On the top, M88 Partners also makes you happy with an additonal negative carryover and a 12 % rip-off fee.

Only an idiot would welcome such a lousy cutthroat in my opinion.


Konung Rip-Off Partners - Platinum Sponsor

The owners of this $5 Fiverr website template "casino" already knew before the start, that his program will be a huge flop.

So the only chance to make money is to steal if from the affiliates. They are doing this with an insane 35 % rip-off admin fee.

With such a fee scheme, a webmaster with a normal IQ and a last spark of dignity would never let them on his website.

But of course, the doors of the GPWA Corfleone Family are wide open for all of them.


And now finally, GPWA proudly presents their next Plantinum Sponsor and new best friend ...

Jm Partners - Scum of the Earth

With an activity quota AND an admin fee of 40 %, - in words: FOURTY - which is at the edge of criminal usury, a new soldier for the GPWA Family paid a lot of money for nothing but for at least being admitted to the circle.

It's over GPWA. In the meantime your forum looks like a crime scene rather than a blessing.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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APCW Perspectives Flop Show continues ...

Despite obviously no serious member is interested in this propaganda trash anymore, Corfleone Family associate Cash Bonus and Coup Capo universal4nothing follow their unswerving course, writing replies to make the videos look not so rigged as they are.

You know, even the worst scammers on Earth, regular GPWA sponsors, have a right for lousy made ads in that videos. It's included in the overpriced sponsor fee contract.

APCW Perspectives even would place ads in the videos for phone book blower James Hydrick or Peter Popoff if they could turn the clock back.

Crime Scene GPWA

They suggesting lip services like "we care about affiliates, law and order", but they are lying to you. Here are two examples for their behavior:


Until today the Capo of the Lock(down) Poker Crime Family is under the personal protection shield of the boss of the Corfleone Family.

All my requests to remove this serious criminal from the GPWA private membership area, where he can spy on all members and their activities and establish new criminal connections behind the public view, were unsuccessful.

GPWA ist doing this with intent and knowingly.


It's a proven fact, that GPWA refused to terminate the sponsorship with the criminal organisation AffActive not before the FBI knocked at the door of AffActive.

As teamleader, senior affiliate manager and marketing manager, the Capo, a woman, without any doubts had direct knowledge about the crimes.

Morover, GPWA started a deception operation to protect the Capo of the AffActive Crime Family.

Her account was officially "banned" at GPWA, but because the Corfleone Family believes, their readers are idiots, they gave her a 2nd account as if nothing happened to push her criminal activities for the eToro scam after AffActive was busted.

Songbird Clara, probably the only reason, why she was not put behind bars, another example for harbouring criminals.


Banned account: https://www.gpwa.org/member/clarar
Rescue-Account: https://www.gpwa.org/member/clarah-etoro

In the meantime this criminal woman also has left eToro or was fired.

GPWA has a long history of harbouring criminals, and almost no one has the balls to say them the truth directily into their face.

Hundreds of people, players and affiliate, reported to the public, how criminal programs during their paid GPWA membership have stolen tens of thousands of Dollars from them. These eyewittnesses would swear under oath, what happened to them.

And GPWA never cared about that. It was all the time only a show and the reason, why almost all new GPWA sponsors are either criminals, scammers, Bitcoin-Casino-money-laundering-machines or just incompetent idiots without any chance in the long run.

Their own sponsors are the mirror image of GPWA. And it looks bad.

As I said, like a crime scene.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Video Messages from the Shadow World

All members from the Corfleone Family can't wait for giant Christmas presents from their Boss, a small green towel in an unpretentious design this year.

First things first. The good news: Playigo, Twin, SupraBets, WPN, LiliBet, Bitstarz, Goodwin, GIG, a few examples of sponsors, who for good reasons ran away from GPWA in 2020.

The bad news: Some may say, it's a conspiracy theory, when I claim, that the APCW Perspectives videos are nothing but a propaganda show, even if the host says to the public, this is not the case.

It's a fact, that in many cases he is handpicking some easy topics from the forum to have something to talk for some minutes, but the main reason for the videos is to put ads into them. The other spoken content, the majority content of the videos, in reality is only the side-show.

The proof, that my claim is true, is standing black and white on their own sponsorship brochure:

Platinum Sponsors are rewardet with an "APCW Perspectives video post-roll — rotating spot at end of episode", also with a "banner rotation in APCW Perspectives Weekly Newsletters" and an "affiliate manager video interview, including promotion of video on APCW website and in e-mail newsletter".

All these things are complete worthless, because no one cares about promotion from admin fee rip-off artists, scammers and criminals, but this group of sponsors like GPWA believes, the audience consist of idiots.

The APCW video propaganda guy, working at the mercy of Michael Corfleone, can not claim, he is independent. This would be a whopper of a lie.

Believe me, without ads the APCW Perspectives videos in it's present form would not exist. They have a value only with ads.
