Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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Usually the admin fee covers all.. software payments, CC fees etc.. 25% is the norm though some may be a little higher if using branded games, however 25% plus 20% on top is over the top.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"25% is the norm"

This became the "norm", because there was - with a very few exceptions - no uprise from the people in this industry, which is also common, because most affiliates are working under the atmosphere of hope. There is almost no legal way - and for sure not for small webmaster - to sue offshore constructs like online casino programs if the programs decide to steal money.

I am observing the online casino industry since 1997.

A majority of the webmasters from today were not even born that year. So I know very well, what is going on, who is talking what and what is going on behind the scenes since 23 years.

And this is the reason, why I fought this admin rip-off fee from the very first day, because I knew from the very first day, this is a scheme, some programs tested out if there is an uprise or not and the Corfleone Family will be a major pusher of that scheme with welcoming all that rip-off artists as sponsors. Now you see there a flood of that shady or even criminal programs.

And after escpecially GPWA with their reckless and now failing policy to deceive the people and to gave this scheme a warm place, now every program is climbing on this admin fee train to make extra money.

It is in fact a phantom fee. Never in the past ever such a fee was initiated, but the old webmasters 20 or even 15 years ago were different. They were no weak people, no brownnowser but fighters.

Everything which goes over 5 % is a total rip-off. Even this 5 % is a shame, because many programs are operated by idiot-affiliate-managers, complete incompetent and underpaid, and if the Russian or Ukrainian oligarchs or jailbirds from Israel and Greece with no summonable address, which are in reality behind all the old scammers and the new admin fee rip-off programs, so that they cannot procecuted, if they are not satisfied with the results after some months, then they will fire the people or direkctly shut down the casino to open the next scam casino with the same black licence with an even higher admin-fee to have a financial extra income.

Most people have forgotten, how GPWA knowingly and willingly has protected with proven lies the Club Gold licence scam and the player scam with fabricated "evidence". I was the only one in the whole forum, who caught the Boss Michael Corfleone red handed initiating the legendary "phone call lie".

Fortunately, an vicitim sent me phone-tapes, so I knew, they were lying not only to me but to the audience.

Only one example of hundreds of GPWA-Gates.

When the cameras are off, people with first knowledge told me directly a lot of things, even about the admin-fee.

So I know, the admin fee is a scheme and nothing else.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Sponsor Scam: The race car hoaxes

Did you also accidentally scam your players with fake prices promotions like GPWA sponsors did, do and will do?

You have seen it many times. A casino is offering a big car to the players, and the casino program is motivating their affiliates to promote that prices on their websites.

The truth about this cars:

This is pure player-fraud like the BMW X5 and Audi A7 hoax from Bet it all Affiliates, the fake cruise ship race car prices of StarPartner, where the allegedly winners have been employees of StarPartner, and in a big psy-op flop GPWA tried to make this look real.

Also don't forget the Porsche and Smart Car scam of Live Casino Partners and many other cases, and in all cases these scammers have been, are or will be GPWA sponsors.

Either these prices never will be given out or the "winners" are employees of the program or their relatives, who undersigned a non-disclosure agreement.

All this car hoaxes are as old as the industry is. Already 20 years ago Windows Casino started the first race car hoax in the industry, and the industry is doing that again and again until today. It's nothing but a fraud.


If you are promoting this scams on your websites knowing, it can't be true, you are nothing better than the scammers are. That is my deep conviction.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: The Income Access Incident

Do you want to know what looks even more stupid than Rocket Man's hairstyle?

Go to the so called "forum" of GPWA, scroll down to the Silver Sponsor area, click on the "Income Access" title, go to the "AffPower" thread, which is marked with the poison cabinet symbol, and read the last post. I will quote it here.

24. July 2018 - Anthomy

- former Admin now degraded to "Affiliate Services" due to a coup by universal4nothing, after degradation he now fully obey the Boss of the Corfleo Family and working under his control.

"A post regarding "hacked" accounts has been placed in the mod que for further clarification and review. Until it is sorted I am temporarily closing this thread."

The thread is "temporarily" closed since 912 days!


We all know, that the "post regarding "hacked" accounts" was only one more psy-op by this corrupt forum to stop the reporting about the criminal support of Income Access for AffPower, the cause of hacking thousands of websites from Schools, Kindergarten, hospitals, care homes and others.

It's a proven fact, that Income Access supported that with their affiliate software knowingly and with intent, which is also a crime.

All three, Income Access, AffPower and the members of the Corfleone Family would be prosecuted and put behind bars here in Germany for that.

Income Access requested directly from the Boss Michael Corfleone the stop of the reporting and all that for some lousy sponsor Dollars. GPWA fulfilled the censorship request with the "post regarding "hacked" accounts" fairy story.

Did you heard anything about that ever from the video propaganda guy in his APCW scam sponsor ad shows?

Of course not.

How stupid they all are, how they fool their audience, one can see with a 912 days "temporarily" closed thread.

They are lying to you!



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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"25% is the norm"

This became the "norm", because there was - with a very few exceptions - no uprise from the people in this industry, which is also common, because most affiliates are working under the atmosphere of hope. There is almost no legal way - and for sure not for small webmaster - to sue offshore constructs like online casino programs if the programs decide to steal money.

I am observing the online casino industry since 1997.

A majority of the webmasters from today were not even born that year. So I know very well, what is going on, who is talking what and what is going on behind the scenes since 23 years.

Back in the day, before this Admin Fee Scam reared it's criminal head, no program, to my knowledge (casino affiliate since Feb 2000), ever had this fraudulent fee. It is a phantom fee. It's 100% Bullsh#t.

It's just like the bonus scams... In some instances (not all) the operator wears a 15% - 20% fee to give a bonus. In other instances, this "bonus money", is nothing more than monopoly cash... It's literally worth ($0) nothing. Yet, that hasn't stopped some operators from deducting this "bonus money" as REAL CASH from GGR.

Back in 2000 (when I started as a casino affiliate) the wagering requirement on a bonus was between 4x to 6x. Fast track that to today's average wagering and it's anywhere from 20x to 60x. Which is some instances, also includes the deposit. Not happy with making it near impossible to meet wagering, some operators began limiting slots games; yes 100% chance games, to what could be or could not be played using a bonus.

The GPWA was founded in circa 2001/2002 by Cindy (videopokerjunkie.com). Back then, the GPWA stood up for their member-base. If a affiliate program didn't tow the line, and instead, was stealing from affiliates, they be blacklisted. Because the GPWA was so powerful, being blacklisted pretty much meant NO affiliate would promote you.

Clearly this power, and giving affiliates a voice, didn't sit well with certain software/casino owners. Hence, in 2004 a slur campaign was initiated to bring the GPWA down, and to subsequently, de-throne, not only Cindy, but throw the entire group of founding members into an in-house brawl. When the dust settled, the GPWA was in ruins.

It was sold, then finally ended up in Corfman's hands.

Looking back on who was responsible for the demise of the GPWA, it would seem the current owner, was ear-marked to take over those reins, when this slur campaign against Cindy, the founding members et al, was commenced.

Don't be fooled...The GPWA is now, and has been since Corfman owned it, nothing more than a money grabbing commercial entity.

Cash is King. Affiliates are cannon fodder (clearly the case cause no one cares about any member spamming the forums - to the GPWA it's another post; another thread count. It all adds up to more cash in Corfman's pocket).

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA's biggest Christmas Hits

Do you remember?

Christmas wishes 2019 from "Mrs. Front Row" under the motto: "First things first"?

I quote:

"It has been a long 2019! The GPWA Team has welcome so many nice sponsors" ... "and affiliates".

This year, today, the next dynamite and most hillarious Christmas Hit ever seen on GPWA from her:

"It has been an incredible hard year for all of us and our families [...] if you feel lonely make sure to come by the GPWA, you won't ever feel alone in this community"

"you won't ever feel alone"

Yes, you won't ever feel alone, because the Corfleone Family have given you so much help, support and personal appreciation and recognition.

So many new wonderful and exclusive GPWA sponsors, which ripped you off with fees again this year.

So many wonderful exclusive GPWA sponsors, which have stolen your money or are taking also their players for an idiot.

This never ever seen before transparency, truthfulness and sacrificial fight against crime and censorship by the Corfleone Family is the greatest Christmas gift we all have received in our entire life.

Indeed, you are right, many don't feel alone, when they come to you, GPWA.

They feel just completely disgusted.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Corfleone and also to your capos, your associate and your Video Propaganda Guy.




Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 16, 2011
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Hey Leopold, how are mein Freund? Long time no see....hope all is fine!! Been ages since I logged on to here, so always nice to catch up with your investigations and reportage ;)

Best wishes!!

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Every time Carmel, I see your picture, a smile appears on my face. I know, you will walk your path with decency and dignity, following the guidance of your heart and your intellect and not the lip services of others.

Many had already written me off or have been carried by this hope. Even if I will vanish for many months again, there is always the little chance, that I will enter the stage again.

This uncertainty will torment them.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Weak Video Propaganda Guy

Often one video shows the truth. Do you remember the most ridiculous brownnosing video ever made by the APCW Perspectives Propaganda Guy?

Propaganda Guy described the video in the description box with "The star of the Amsterdam Affiliate Conference reprises his "Dancing Queen" cameo, as the APCW and GPWA present this musical tribute to our fearless leader, Michael Corfman!"

"Fearless leader"

Sounds like a tribute to North Korea's Rocket Man.

The "Fearless leader" video not only proudly presents the winner of the 2018 Walking-Dead-dance-alike-contest, it reveals a very interesting detail, which is valid for all APCW Perspectives videos and also for the other - This Week in Gambling - channel:

Propaganda Guy is hiding likes and dislikes from all his Youtube videos!

And he is for sure not hiding them because of tons of likes.

One more proof, that this is all about deception, manipulation and propaganda.

And they are so stupid in doing that, because it's so obvious.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Tricky's Tricks

Over many months I was able to investigate manipulations from Coup Capo universal4nothing also with the "XXX users online" function at the bottom of the GPWA forum. It's a public function and no hack or something like that. I was only using a regular function like everybody elso could do it.

So I could see in more details, what Tricky was doing, when he was probably manipulating posts again, because it was so obvious, that he is doing that for years, and he was very angry to me, when I caught him red handed.

He threatened me via PM so many times, also with the maximum evil option, to achive my 266.000+ views Lucid Diary, which says everything about the character of that so called "forum".

Also very interesting to see was, which well known members are not censored in any way, who have a complete free-ticket, which means, in reality, they are very close to Mr. Corfleone and almost no one knows about that.

As I said, only after many months they fixed the public "XXX user online" function and only because after they recognized, that I have additional knowledge about their manipulations with this function. They don't want you to know what they are doing, because they have so much to hide.

It's a fact, and I would swear it under oath, that Tricky days, sometimes even weeks later, when a post was written, he, the "fearless leader" or a sponsor doesn't like, Tricky manipulated or just deleted this posts by his own or by the order of Mr. Corfleone.

These censorships also to falsify or misrepresent the content of posts was so shady and cowardly, because the poster in most times did not received any notifications, not even a PM, and with intent no edit note was placed under the posts. It all happened behind the back of the original poster and the audience. This is the way, GPWA is deceiving their readers and also members and manipulating the truth.

As a result of my fight against this North Korea methods they now put an edit note under posts or just delete the posts completely to avoid that, so the audience has no knowledge about the manipulation or they are playing silly games like with the Income Access Temporarily Closed Incident.

The truth is, you can't trust them, and it's sad for me to say today: "No one of them."

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Celebrate New Year's Eve with us

What's wrong with you, GPWA?
Where did it go, the boundless cheerfulnes?
The time, when you could manipulate unchallenged the audience?
When you played the role of the White Knight but was already as dark as the night?

Everybody can see it, your Capos the last days don't know, what to do, because there is nothing to delete, after almost all critical voices have been scared away.
No new sponsor in the moment is so stupid to waste money for a anti-sponsorship.

Video Propaganda Guy is not even giving the last remaining fistful of repliers a thanks for their posts under his last ad-video despite he was online yesterday which is a matter of decency.

What is wrong with you?

And Mr. Corfleone?
He is anything but a "fearless leader".
He is a coward.
After I reported about the Club Gold license hoax, Mr. Corfleone lied in the public to the GPWA audience. He said, my phone call with the regulator never happened, but I had recorded phone tapes, because alreday during the phone call I knew, this will end this way.

In the Condor licence issue, and you have to know, I know today, they had a nice quid pro quo with Mr. Corfleone, the Boss of the Corfleone Family tried to call me a liar again and failed bitterly.

You know, the fish rots from the head. If the Boss is a proven liar, then you can image, what the words of his Capos, Soldiers and other Associates are worth.

According to my calculations 85.14 % of all GPWA members are not posting anymore, 4.81 % want to post spam only, 3.21 % are the last remaining brownnosers, 1 % are normal poster, 3,10 % are mentally ill and 2,74 % are not affiliates but searching for a new romantic relationship.


After I changed my avatar for a day with a complete funny and harmless satire with the PUBLIC picture of Mr. Corfleone, he was whining and crying like a baby, claimed, it must be removed due to copyright.

This guy has never accepted the Constitution of the USA. In his regime fair use, artistic freedom, the Fist Amendment or standards of moral and ethics have no place, only his rules. He believes, he and his other Family members are the rulers in this industry.

But they have forgotten a small detail:

The people.


Happy New Year, GPWA.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Alpha Affiliates' 100.000 Euro Cash Away?

Winners searched, found and collected.
Winners, please drop a note to the public, so that we know, this was not a hoax.

Alpha Affiliates promised on their GPWA 100.000 Christmas Cash giveaway promotion website in the terms, that "the winners will be announced on the 25th of December".

On 29. December, 4 days after the deadline, the Google cache is showing still a lonely leader. Notice, that this was a real username:


Today, at once, the ranking list contains no username anymore, but a lot of affiliate numbers.


Source: alpha-affiliates.com/grandgiveaway2020/

If this is no hoax, and I hope so, because this would be as disgusting as the usual race car hoaxes, which are proven a hoax, so if this is indeed no hoax, at least some of the cash price winners would proudly tell the audience e.g. at GPWA in the Alpha Affiliates Platinum Sponsor promotion thread, that they have won.

Where and who are Mr. 5240, Mrs. 4918, Grandpa 4900 and all the other lucky winners?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA prouldy presents their new Scam Silver Sponsor

You really believe, it couldn't be going any worse?

Ask GPWA, they have the right answer for you.

Affiliates Shark is the new sponsor of the Corfleone Family, and they have a great idea to rip-off all small affiliates.

The program, Corfelone Family Boss Michael and the Capo, who made the deal with them, are giving themselves HIgh-Five for so much innovation.

No, they are not stealing the usual fixed percentage from your earnings, which is called in this industry the phantom "admin fee".

No, Affiliates Scam Shark is stealing almost anything from small affiliates probably, and they are laughing about you.

When your earnings are under $500 for two consecutive months, then they punish you with a $50 penalty fee as if you are a prisoner, who accidentally dropped his milkshake in the dining room.

Imagine you have earned $30 the first month, $40 the next and how happy you will be, after the new GPWA Scam Sponsor will take away $50 from you with the message: "Well buddy, try to do better next time."

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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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as if you are a prisoner, who accidentally dropped his milkshake in the dining room.

Made me laugh so hard. Sounds silly, but these days "prisoners" seem to be treated far better, than senior citizens and alike.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Censorship and half truths about Jim Partners Scam Program

Once again GPWA was caught red handed with massive censorship the last week.

And once again, they are telling you only half the truth, either they are too imcompetent to publish correct data or they are doing that with intent.

They claim, that the Jim Partners Admin Fee Artists have only one activity quota:

From GPWA: "Activity Quota: Yes. For first withdrawal affiliate has to attract not less than 5 FTDs for the reporting period and sum of his/her income has to be minimum 5 USD."

As everybody in the meantime knows, for me this first payout delays are nothing but one more scheme to scam small webmasters.

But this is not the only activity quota. Once again, they are providing incorrect data.

GPWA is telling you barefaced lies. They say that one will receeive for the "2nd month and forever = 40% RS deal"

"forever [...] 40 % RS"

A barefaced lie!

The truth is, there is another important activity quota in their terms, and after 2 unlucky months the dream of "forever [...] 40 % RS" is over:

8. Payments and fees
Payment Plans
In case if the Partner remains inactive for 60 days, his Commission from the net profit of the Casino will be 25%. The Affiliate program has the right to not inform the Partner about changing the Commission’s percentage.

Source: jimpartners.com/en/page/rules

This scammers not only are stealing 40 % of your money with their phantom admin-fee. They wil cut your commission on the quiet, not even inform you about that change.

Welcome to Jim Partners, the new Platinum Financier of the Corfleone Family.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA & 7 Stars Partners: Shut up or we take all of your money!

The Corfleone Family has found the perfect partner with 7 Stars Partners.

As usual, GPWA is telling you only half the truth. They tell you, there is an activity quota, which forces you to bring a minimum of 5 active accounts for the last three months or you will get nothing. They also claim, this not the case for GPWA members, but the next moment, after they stop the sponsorship, this lip service will be void and invalid.

There is something more, GPWA don't want you to know. They don't tell you, that this ugly program has a muzzle term. 7 Star Partners can terminate you even for the slightest crticism:

The affiliate program reserves the right to block the account of the partner because of the public slander, criticism, insults and threats towards the technical support or the administration of the affiliate program and/or the projects of the affiliate program.

This makes the China Censorshiip Machine of GPWA so happy. A partner, who follows the same principles as they do. If you don't shut up, we punish you, in this case, we take all of your money.

And video propaganda guy put a big ad for 7 Scum Partners into his APCW Perspectives this week.

It's showtime!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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So allow me please one word to GPWA.

I'm a longer time registered as a member there but now i notice that you don't treated with respect. There are some members who pretend and think they know everything.

Of course we all have different opinions and we can chat also critical but we should do in a respectfully way. To censor threads or posts and describe members as "scool children" because they represent an opinion that one does not want to hear.
Thus speaks against what the portal works with.

Leopold has also described several times.

There are certainly exceptions to be censored and in the past, as a person in charge of a forum, I have had enough to do with mediating hostility between members.

But there are always people who think they are the smartest or have to play moral-apostles.

That is the reason why I'm fed up with GPWA and don't have fun to write there anymore. That made me very angry.

Here at AGD it is so when programs have unfair or bad conditions that it is also published. It doesn't matter whether you earn money with the affiliate program or not. They will pushed into a special category.

That is an honesty and also a fairness to deal with things. Most of us know what's going up behind the programs and how they act. But one must also publish if there is criticism.

Whether it's always correct to say open or not i can't answer. But it's at least my claim.

That's the reason why i sometimes write here.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Well Insider, I followed the story. The "Affiliate Service" drip unfortunately now has fully bowed to the Corfleone Family rules and openly to censorship. The trust in him was betrayed and all dignity has been pulverized.

You have been fobbed off by him with the those who come too late, are punished by life philosophy.

The good-for-nothings, you mentioned, in the meantime are the posterboys of GPWA.

In the secret-algorithm "Recognition for 2020's Most Active Members" thread Corfleone gave one of the last remaining free and critical voices a special thanks, obviously with the intention to butter him up, so that Aussie Dave perhaps will no longer attack their scheme so hard.

Corfleone may be the Boss of the Family, but he is far away from being smart. Unforgotten his "A Memorial Remembrance for GPWA Members" flashbang escape-plan scam after he was caught red handed in the public with being so disrespectful to my wife. He had never the intention to open that threat, only because he was busted.

And now to the Sponsor News:

GPWA's Chilli Partners: New Muzzle Menace on the Rise

Didn't I told you some days ago here exclusively on Affiliate Guard Dog, that a new muzzle-backdoor term will be standard in a few years in this wonderful industry ( https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/moved-to-certified.14112/#post-114016 )?

Your wait is over. Here comes the next emergency-plan-program, using exact the same words as BitcoincasinoAff.

And no surprise, it's a brandnew GPWA Silver Sponsor.

Here is the backdoor-muzzle term of Chilli Partners:

2.3 Affiliate Program participation
You will ensure that all activities taken by you under the Affiliate Agreement will be in Company's best interest and will in no way harm the Company's reputation or goodwill.

Source: affiliates.chillipartners.com/partner/terms-and-conditions

"all activities taken by you under the Affiliate Agreement will [...] in no way harm the Company's reputation"

From the legal point of view this includes the truth, I mean public complaints about missing payments, fraud, blackmail, de-tagging players, even only late payment, whatsoever, you know, the usual things, which happens every day.

As a bonus add-on they will steal 35 % of your money with their phantom admin-fee.

You know, the usual GPWA sponsor.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Secret Quid Pro Quo

I had contact with a confirmed IGB Nixon-Deep-Throat-like-whistleblower. To protect her/his security, I will not tell you, if this person is a former employee or still working for them. The whistleblower told me the following, and there is no reason to doubt the credibility:


Well, that explains a lot of things and brings together many strands, for example explains why they have such mini-booths in the loser-corner of the hall so often and why they did not received any IGB awards since an eternity despite the fact, they received them on a regular basis in the past.

And this explains also the "Fraudnanda-Incident", why IGB has so many power to request censorships on GPWA.

There is a simple answer to all of that: Between the Corfleone Family and IGB there is some kind of quid pro quo.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: You, the weak People

Now they are whining at once everywhere about admin fees, here, at GPWA, whereever.
But almost no one of them wanted to share my war on that rip-off fees, when I started it more than 2 years ago, when there was a chance to stop it.

Now you all have to pay the price for your support of the Free-of-charge-IGB-Booth Corfleone Family with your post support for that crime scene, with your silence and your weakness.

The biggest hypocrite is Family associate Cash Bogus, who is now also whining, but his Boss, the three Capos and Video Propaganda Guy embody the admin fee rip-off scheme more than anybody else.

The horde of disgusting GPWA brownnowsers, the showboats, the self-proclaimed bigmouth-rulers and the low IQ three word posters there are responsible for the rise of the admin fee. They have done nothing for the people.

Already Mikhail Gorbachev said: "Life punishes those who delay."

Only strong people like Aussie Dave, and fortunately, there are a fistful of them, only these people are the true and unbreakable resistance to all of that scam.
