Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Sponsor Watch (+ Sponsor Scam Warning)

Turn of the year 2020/2021

With date from 13. February 2021

Platinum +1 / 17 Sponsors
+ Gaming1 Affiliates *

Gold -2 / 10 Sponsors
- Playigo Partners
- Gaming1 Affiliates *

Silver +1 / 17 Sponsors
+ Affiliates Shark
+ Chilli Idiot Partners
- Casino Fair Affiliate Program

* How GPWA and Gaming1 ripping you off

With effect from 2021 GPWA's financier Gaming1 Affiliates changed their sponsorship from Gold to Platinum. They have been sponsor since 14. October 2019.

This main sponosr is a good example, how GPWA deceives their members with false information, how they take them all, crooks, creeps and criminals, and how the main sponsors are ripping you off. Latest when a sponsorship changes to the highest level, the least, the so called "Affiliate Service" has to do, is to update the information. It's his job!

In the hightligts for that program GPWA claims, that Gaming1 Affiliates has no acitivity quota ( https://www.gpwa.org/affiliate-program/gaming1-affiliates ). This is untrue.

The truth is, they have not only a very high, monthly killing-quota. They also changed the revenue share to a time-limited farce and on the top a ridiculous scam fee of 40 % will hurt you.

Here you can read all details: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/red-alert-new-predatory-terms.16587/

Scam programs like Gaming1 are the flagships of GPWA.

I would like to hear those, who still claims, anybody of the staff members is working for the benefit of affiliates.

All of them, I repeat: ALL of them are making their money also with scam programs like in this example.

This is the sober truth ... and their own free decision.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA not proudly presents: NetoPartners Titatic Terms

And the Band Played On...

Yesterday the truth about the previously unpublished Gaming1 scam term details in this thread, today the next sweetheart sponsor ...

This week APCW Perspectives Video Propaganda Guy admits, directly in his video, that in reality he has nothing to do, that he can only deliver expired non sellers like old interviews and the ususal ad-shows for GPWA. His tone about the Corona Virus after 2,400,000 deaths worldwide becomes weird.

Not even the birds are singing one single Tschiep during the video.

To make sure you don't miss the most important thing, skip the video to 4:35 and enjoy the propaganda ad from NetoPartners.
Also enjoy their Titatic Terms, you will be awarde with by GPWA's Gold Sponsor.

Why no one is asking Guy, if he would work for NetoPartners under this circumstances or for some other programs, he is airing ads for.

Here are all details and not only half the truth about the NetoPartners terms:

And the Band Playes On...

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I am quite sure, the minimum payout is a critical factor for small and sometimes also medium affiliates. To make this useful and not always easy to find information transparent and available, I will update the individual program sections on AGD with that from time to time, mostly in the "Moved to Certified" threads if possible, otherwise in another threads of the programs.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Why no one is asking Guy, if he would work for NetoPartners under this circumstances or for some other programs, he is airing ads for.
Thought has crossed my mind, but like yourself, and others, my post would likely be deleted by Universal4Nothing, and I'd received yet another naughty school boy, chastising PM, for him... Oh the hypocrisy!

And to think... before Universal4Nothing became a paid GPWA puppet, he'd have fought tooth and nail over these bogus Admin Fees, and all the other scam deductions, fees and what not.

But now he looks the other way, by supporting all these crooks, and by vigorously defending them, too :eek:
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Sponsor Watch - 17. February 2021

On 17. November 2020 M88 became GPWA Platinum sponsor with a negative carry over, activity quota, bundled earnings, admin fee and 6 people acting as wannabe representatives.

Today, exactly a quarter after they started, the M88 area in the Platinum Sponsor section at once vanished.

There was never one single post in the M88 area, but the vanishing could be an indicator, that the Corfleone Family lost this crooked financier. In this case, like many sponsors before, M88 wasted $1,500+ fee for nothing during a couple of weeks.

Not even the welcome thread was moved into the sponsor area ... for good reasons.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Sponsor Watch - Pokie Partners escaped to Freedom

+ Full Time Flop universal4nothing Announcement

Pokie Partners became financier of the Corfleone Family on 16. November 2020.
A quarter later they escaped in hurry to freedom.
They recognzied, it was a huge flop.

The Silver Sponsorship now is history.

And this happened with a no admin fee program?
Yes, GPWA officially claiming, there is no admin-fee.
Source: https://www.gpwa.org/forum/welcome-pokie-partners-new-silver-sponsor-255051.html#post942856

Perhaps a no admin fee programs does not fit to GPWA.

Oh wait a second, what is this?!

1.14 “Net Revenue” or “NGR” refers to all money received by Pokie Partners from New Players as placed bets, less [...] (d) administration fees

Old terms?
Wrong terms?
Rubber Terms?
What's wrong with you, sweetheart?

Even their hardcore brown nosing of GPWA wasn't a help.
And they brown-nosed as no one ever before.

On Christmas Day they praised GPWA, as if this so called "forum" is the embodiment of Heaven on Earth.
Source: https://www.gpwa.org/forum/gpwa-youre-amazing-thx-255512.html

Obviously, it's not. Otherwise they would not flee in panic now.

Only Dave had something to say in that thread with a different color.

$1,000+ fee for absolutely nothing.

Here more information from Pokie Partners:

[Activity Quota]

Should an affiliate’s account be deemed as inactive, no commission will be due or payable. If the account is subsequently reactivated, the commission becomes payable from the month in which the reactivation took place. No commission will be retroactively paid out for any amount of inactivity. Nor will commissions carry over when an account is in the inactive state to a reactivated account. In order to remain active, an affiliate account must meet the following requirements within a quarterly (three months) period: The affiliate must have generated at least 20 clicks via any form of their unique tracking link (banner, email, social media or other).

[Acceptable Minimum Payout]
6.4 A minimum amount of ˆ100 may be withdrawn from the Affiliate Wallet at one time. ^ represents your currency of choice.

[The new no-payment-backdoor Industry "Standard" Muzzle Term]
2.3 Affiliate Program Participation

You will ensure that all activities taken by you under the Agreement will be in Pokie Partners’ best interest and will not harm the Pokie Partners reputation or goodwill in any way.

Source: pokiepartners.com/terms-and-conditions/


Full Time Flop universal4nothing

Thought has crossed my mind, but like yourself, and others, my post would likely be deleted by Universal4Nothing, and I'd received yet another naughty school boy, chastising PM, for him... Oh the hypocrisy!

And to think... before Universal4Nothing became a paid GPWA puppet, he'd have fought tooth and nail over these bogus Admin Fees, and all the other scam deductions, fees and what not.

But now he looks the other way, by supporting all these crooks, and by vigorously defending them, too :eek:

"But now he looks the other way, by supporting all these crooks, and by vigorously defending them, too"

For him it was a must mutating at once to the enemy of the affiliates. It was the requirement to became a Made Man on 27. December 2017. What really happened this day and thereafter, I will tell you soon.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Alpha Affiliates' 100,000,000,000,000,000 Giveaway - We drank it all away

Did you see it?!

The Alpha Affiliates 100,000 Euro Christmas 2020, I repeat: Christmas 2020, Grand Giveaway Hoax is still open for registration even the deadline was 25. December 2020:


I have reported about this most likely hoax already here: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-only-half-the-truth.14542/page-3#post-113880

In the GPWA pusher thread still not a single winner cheering about her/his prize:

Only a one week existance spammer wrote something, who is already dead after he could place a link in his profile page.

Not even he won.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - We're all human, and sometimes we make mistakes. However, the GPWA continues to accept paid-sponsorship from crap holes, who, seems to have one (1) objective. That is to shaft/scam as many affiliates as possible.

Pokie Partners were using fake photos, attached to BS testimonials.

If a program has no qualms in lying at this level, what will they do behind an affiliate's back!

I don't mean to piss people off, but it's about time other affiliates stepped up to the plate, and stand up against these crooked programs.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Shark Affiliates - Another GPWA Scam Affiliate Program

  • US$500 minimum payout threshold;
  • 72 hour cookie duration;
  • Can change/alter/deleted or by their OWN CHOICE, revoke agreed on T&C's for NEW set of T&C's. Meaning: they can renege of anything!
And there's also that "newish" term relating to speaking out against said affiliate program, and or their casinos. Doing so, could have your earnings confiscated (errrr stolen) and your partnership, terminated.

FYI... Neither of their casinos are licensed, anywhere. My guess they're in Costa Rica.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: The forgotten Threads

Fully deliberately GPWA doesn't move the NetoPartners 5.000 Euro "No payment with Netopartners" thread from the "Unethical Behavior Reports" area to the NetoPartners Sponsor area.

They know exactly, in the unethical area uncomfortable threads, where low IQ representatives like in this case published private data without permission or cricital threads at all will vanish sooner or later from the spotlight, because more and more new threads in that general area will be opened and are on the top.

In the sponsor area all threads are like one general thread and so such critical threads are forever.

This happened already so often, it can be decribed as a scheme.

Move it to the sponsor area, you losers.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: I call for search and arrest warrants issued

1xBet, probably the most malicious program Crime Family in this industry, #1 Top and highly protected GPWA sponsor, but also #1 Top blacklisted scam operator in the world, has a long history of theft. Thousands of players have been cheated.

And when I say, thousands, I mean thousands.

The 1xBet Crime Family was forced to pay fines, have been blocked by several countries and chased by governments and no one says a word to this Ashley Clark fake thing, conspirator with universal4nothing.

Simply go to my neighbor country Poland and look at the Finance Ministry. Hundreds of 1xBet scam domains are blacklisted and blocked forever by the government:

Search, if you want. There is a box to do so.

The 1xBet Crime Family is a big problem for this industry because their criminal actions came to the attention to governments and so everyone has to suffer under this today.

The 1xBet Crime Family is one reason, why GPWA is evil, nothing but a crime scene and guilty of being accomplice of massive fraud, theft, money laundering and most likely also tax evasion, because they are taking willingly and knowingly money from criminal origin as sponsorship fee, and this is not the first time, they took money from criminal origin, proven cases.

I am fed up with all that weakness of people and this hypocrisy. In the real word decent people have to fight legal for their living. Here, many people believe, this is a legal vacuum and they can do wathever they want.

In my country I believe the GPWA website would be shut down by the Government, also search and arrest warrants issued for the leading members of the Corfleone Family and SWAT teams would storm their houses to arrest them and to put them behind bars finally.

Then they can take a shower together with 2 meters tall Eric "The Neck-Breaker" from Sweden and pick up his soap after he will drop it on the floor.

I have really no mercy for Mr. Corfleone and his rabble.

Listen, hundreds of thousands of Dollars have been stolen by GPWA sponsors from affiliates and playes, and the scam is still running.
Right now, in this moment.
Someone will be cheated every day, every hour, an affiliate, a player or even an employee.

And you will tell me, this is not a crime, no one has to go to jail for all of that?
Do you believe, in the real world one can get away with that?

Then tell your children, this is the real thing, that crime is the way, they should go.
Is this what you want?

Or tell them the truth, that Crime Families like 1xBet or GPWA are no role models.

The truth is, they are evil, the enemy of the people.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Forces go to DEFCON 1

All available forces of the evil GPWA empire, already in the process of mental disintegration, go to DEFCON 1, gather for the final strike against their critics.

Operation Dropshot has begun. Remaining ICBMs have been launched.

Aussie Dave last man standing

GPWA again caught red handed lying to you. After they also removed my "War on Admin Fee" avatar to protect their crooked sponsors, I was alerted and found out, after logging in and the attempt to reply to any post, that I am already banned forever, but they are too cowardly to update my status to "banned".

And they can change that status to "banned" as they did with their own people like here:


My person is still listed as "public member", a lie!

Here is the evidence, the removed avatar, the "Public Member" lie and the screenshot of the truth, they are cowardly hiding from you:




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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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New 2021 iGaming Pocket Directory: Thank you dear Devil​

Mr. Corfleone announced the new iGaming Pocket Directory with handpicked scammers from all over the world. Of course it's free, because no one ever would pay $5 for it, not even would exchange it with a bag of catlitter.

You only need to read, what Mr. Corfleone is writing, which top sponsors for that "directory" he is praising, then you know, where the wind is blowing:


A big thank you to our sponsors and supporters

I would like to extend a special thanks to GPWA sponsor programs that supported our work on this new edition. A very big thanks to bet365 Affiliates as the publication sponsor and to 1XBET Partners as the Bookmark sponsor. We are able to provide this new free GPWA member benefit through their support


The great bet365 scam program is listed here at AGD for good reasons as highly predatory. They have really evil terms. I have updated them moments ago: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/terms-of-shame-»-bet365-affiliates.16708/

The 1xBet Crime Family contains the most active serial criminals since the demise of Affpower with despised Fraudnanda.

So, be a part of the GPWA Crime Family. Go to that iGaming Pocket Directory thread, give a thumbs up with a big thanks, but don't come back later whining, when programs of that directory will scam away your last shirt.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

I learned today in the Bet365 thread, that one can initiate a serious discussion but also loser-barking, when program terms, the quintessence of every cooperation in business, when they will only quoted and shown to the audience. I learned once again today, the terms in this industry for the few are as important as they should be and for the many they are not.

This fallacy I can only explain with the difference between the real world and this illusional world. I have seen yesterday a short documentation about young people at Twitch. They make money, sitting the whole day in front of their monitor but without the internet they can not survive 1 year in the real world. Some of them not even can leave their homes anymore without having massive mental problems.

Aside of their computers there is no functioning social structure.

And this generation is our future.

Then good luck, gentlemen.

Terms are the most important things.
That are the thing you can argue with and they can.
Things can change.
Remember many broken players, Ladbrokes ... so many of them.
A serious business partnership can not be a matter of luck.
Think about that.

Business is not being lucky, that one will not hurt with terms which exists.
Business is to have solid and fair terms you can trust on.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Nothing but the Truth

Scammers - They are everywhere

In this month alone countless romance scammers victims here in Germany. The scum coming from Nigeria, Romania and Bulgaria, rising higher than ever before on the virtual love battlefield in the internet because of the Corona crisis, the isolation and loneliness.

Victims paid up to 70.000 Euro to them. During my active time I initiated traps to bust this last dirt on Earth. I had never mercy with that criminals. In some Eastern Europe countries human life is no longer worth anything and animal life more less.

I know that from my time, when I was much younger and physically fit, when we rescued pets in a dead of night operation from an Romanian Animal Concentration Camp. Yes, Concentration Camp. Believe me, there is no other word, which can describe this indescribable pain, torture and cruelty.

Who cares about Small Affiliates?

It's my deep conviction, scamming especially small affiliates is disgusting. They have almost no lobby, no chance to sue anyone, GPWA is giving them nothing but lip-services, they must live with first payout quotas, regular quotas, blackmail terms, negative carry over, earnings bundles, termination terms without cause, idiot representatives, broken promises, high minimum payouts and other silly ideas to hold the short end of the stick.

Even if I personally was never in the situation being short of money, I had always a heart for the small people, because I will never forget, where I came from.

Small affiliates are alone und working under the atmosphere of pressure, hope, to get the money, and at the end many times they will suffer under bitter disappointments.

I believe, more than 90 % of all new small affiliates surrender after one, latest zwo years. What remains, are some hard working decent affiliates in the middle class, some small and the big ones, some are honest and nice, but some of them believe, they have the biggest mouths and so they must be the rulers.

Never ever one of these bigmouth rulers cared about an individual case of a small affiliate, who needed help.

The Traitor

For your information, one of these well known rulers in reality is a double agent, the Consigliere of Mr. Corfleone. Yes, you all know him. Mr. Corfleone asking again and again for his advise. In my eyes he is a traitor. For those, who watched GPWA incidents carefully, there are some public cases, Mr. Corfleone was involved, where it was obvious, that the Consigliere again pulled the strings in the background, of course to the disadvantage of Mr. Corfleone's "opponents".

This monstrous hypocrisy must finally be brought to an end.

It's enough.

They are still listing me there at GPWA as "public member", which is a proven lie.
They are serial liars, and you probably are part of this whole scam scheme with your support.
Role models, right?!
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Just came from reading that poll thread. Mr. Corfleone is the OP.

For literally years, myself and other GPWA members were requesting that they change to SSL (https). However, with each and every request, and or inquiry, we were ALL served lame excuses, or worse, told by Universe4nothing that it wasn't needed. It wasn't a security risk!

Not using https leaves sites vulnerable to a variety of security issues.

So you can probably imagine my surprise, when, seeing the above thread, today.

The GPWA changed to SSL (https) with lightning speed, only, when it seems, Google announced it may penalise sites who are not using SSL.

Sending member login data and other sensitive personal info via non-encryption didn't seem to bother the GPWA, if it did, they would have changed to SSL years ago.

No, the only reason they changed to SSL, was to appease to Google.

Now Mr. Corfleone commences this thread. If one knows the back-story, that thread, is a JOKE.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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not that this should just be a thread to bash GPWA but 3 things happened on there that really shown their true colours. The 1st 1 was the Stan James theft . They closed a load of accounts purely to steal the players and cut costs and at the time were sponsors, surprise surprise after going through a load of individual cases GPWA decided that the paying sponsor had done nothing wrong ethically and carried on taking their money.
Then there was 2 hacking stories, Buffalo Partners appeared all over the shop on hacked sites and made pathetic efforts to distance themselves from the hackers. I even had an ex-employee telling me they were big partners. It took an absolute age for GPWA to stop BP being paid sponsors, I'm talking well over a year on no GPWA action and kept taking the money.
The last one was hilarious, it was the Israeli firm who's name I forgot, again up to their necks in the hacking and despite lots of evidence, again GPWA did nothing. his was the firm that then got raided, again, details are slightly sketchy but those there at the time will remember, it was massive news, and GPWA had continued taking their coin. But the funny bit was as soon as they had been raided and closed down they put a big statement out saying how they had removed them as sponsors and made out they were some ethical Knight riding to the rescue of all affiliates, you couldn't actually make it up.
Then you have Rick's weird obsession with the forum, that's unnerving on its own


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@AidanLCFC - agree AGD forum is not here so people can bash/flame the GPWA.

However, unlike AGD, where, you can freely-voice your experiences, the same can not be said for the GPWA.

With regards to Rick, he's both 2 faced, and totally out of control.

At least when Anthony (was forum Admin) he didn't 'blind edit' or deleting like a madman. I believe Rick was busted by Daftdog for blind editing 1 of his posts. I've had a go at him too for the same BS.

Speaking out against the GPWA protocols, or a paid sponsor, risk's you post being edited, deleted or eventually getting "banned", like they did to Leopold. They did it to me in 2011.

Myself and another member spoke out against the DMOZ scam which Mr. Corfleone was the Gatekeeper of the gambling categories. Unless you were in the Corfleone "clique" you didn't/couldn't get a DMOZ listing.

Of course Mr. Corfleone denied all allegations, claiming he was only a DMOZ editor for the good of the industry, kinda of doing his bit...lol... That story soon shone for what it was, Bull$shit... Because as soon as Google kicked DMOZ to the curb (Google used dmoz as a supplementary reference), Mr. Corfleone and all his other cronies resigned as DMOZ editors.

I could write a book on all the shit the GPWA has had a hand in, since, Mr. Corfleone bought it in circa 2007.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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The last one was hilarious, it was the Israeli firm who's name I forgot, again up to their necks in the hacking and despite lots of evidence, again GPWA did nothing.

I think your referring to Affpower... For the record...Andy the previous owner of AGD, also vigorously protected their asses, until they were raided.

The 2 owners were arrested. Not for dubious scams within the igaming industry. Instead, they conspired to hack a US company. Not sure if they're still in an Israeli prison or if the FBI finally had them extradited to the USA.

However, the "hacker" somehow eluded police. He escaped to the USSR. Was he tipped off? Maybe he was moonlighting for the CIA o_O

Reiterating, could write a book on all the BS, scam, lies etc., etc., I've witnessed in this gig, over the years.

FYI... that sort of knowledge, is a threat to some. It could explain why some people, in this industry, went out of their way to dirty my character/reputation with lies and BS. I'm still amazed who believed that crap...
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