Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: The Resuscitation

While GPWA's audience shrinks to a new low, AGD ratings go up.

When the large North Korea warthog begins to stumble, the watchful owl has a good reason to smile.

To get higher ratings and to push that so called "forum", now even 14 years old box office flop threads from Mr. Corfleone must be resuscitated.

After 14 years a guy is coming to tell the audience "Wow this post is 14 years old, it's older than my oldest child."

He has nothing to say, absolutely nothing, was only looking for the oldest post he could find after 1 hour searching on the forum to tell the people, how old it is.


This is the new high IQ content you can expect with your Mark of Cain membership there.

The result, when a "forum" is censoring as if possessed by a demon.


What did you say?

You don't believe, it's true?

Here: https://www.gpwa.org/forum/private-forums-launched-affiliate-program-managers-171460.html

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Thruths about GPWA

One of the most insame hours was, when universal4nothing, after the Traitor attacked me again personal on the lowest level and I replied, when he censored in seconds my replies but let Traitor's posts untouched, intentionally.

I caught him red handed with the old "users online" legal backdoor to watch their crooked activities. They fixed this later only because of me to hide their bad actions.

He was so angry, that I busted him again, universal4nothing pushed himself into an uncontrolled frenzy.

Well, if one is the Consigliere of Mr. Corfleone, as the Traitor is, he can be happy about such special treatment, and it happend not once, not twice, it happened again and again.

Quid Pro Quo.

He helps Mr. Corfleone out on the forum or gives him tips how to defend his opponents, when the cameras are off, and as a consideration he has a free ticket to chase on the forum unmolested for years after me. Today I am very confident, that it happened on the order of Mr. Corfleone.

Every critic was censored at least once.
The traitor never!

The Boss of the GPWA Crime Family was always too cowardly to discuss with me directly. Two times, in the Club-Gold-Seal-Hoax-Fabricated-Evidence case and the Rembrandt-Casino-Attack case he tried desperately to make me look bad and a liar.

After it came out, he lied and so failed both times, he never tried a direct match again with me on the forum, because in reality he is a coward, a total loser. So his little army of weak surrogates then chased after me for him.

At this so called "forum" GPWA I was attacked by a group of wannebe rulers and bigmouths over years. All these people don't have Big Daddy here at AGD anymore or universal4nothing, who can censor away, what they don't like. That's the reason, why they don't attack me here personal anymore without any arguments with the exception of this one 2nd row loser, I have already forgotten his name, which was also a flop.

I will tell you something. My wife was through and through a pieceful, open, modern and intelligent woman. In the real life one time a guy was very disrespectful to her, when she was aready very sick. I made him in front of almost all people of the village here in a 5 minute statement very clear, that this was a big mistake. After that he did not even dare to look at her anymore for the rest of her remaining life.

Why I tell you that?

Because one of this wannebe rulers and bigmouths attacked my wife, with the knowledge, that the sad fate was already staring into my women's face. This human waste TheGirlRachel is only one example, why GPWA can not be described other than a Crime Family, because they have all kind of individuals, who fits perfect into this dark world, also anonymous perverts, serious criminals, hooligans, whatever you are searching for.

I don't feel this evil atmosphere here at AGD.
It's a different world.

As I wrote it in another thread, AGD obviously is the last line of defense against blackmail, harassment and censorship in this industry.

And now they are also going after Dave. Quote by Dave from today:

"Makes me laugh how some people (affiliates etc) in this industry, try to discredit my posts. The current RA ones are a prime example of these hidden agendas, aimed at discrediting me. Yet, here I am above at the old DOCH site, which I ran for nine (9) years, reporting on all the dodgy shit in this industry. I did all this at my own expense.... My credibility should not be in doubt - instead, look at those trying to discredit me, and ask yourself why?"

Every word also in this post is nothing but the truth.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

I was myself in my life lay judge for some cases, in the military and also in civil cases, and in Germany they do not take a good for nothing for that position. The worst thing for me until today is, when innocent people will be taken into a game or if the burden of proof at once is on the shoulders of the accused. I have always, also as judge, expressed this opinion very clear.

Like a gift, I may deserve or not, I had countless times in my life the right feeling from the very first moment, what is going on, and in most cases I was right. For that I am very thankfully.

This is the reason why the obvious attempt of Rewards Affiliates to search for dirt on me, but also to bring complete innocent persons into their game, is so disgusting for me: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...t-people-even-outside-of-this-industry.16821/

This is not dumb. It's evil.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Sponsor Watch

Megapartners has downgraded from the overpriced Platinum sponsorship to Silver.

The idiot-staff from GPWA is working so unprofessional. It's unbevlievable. There is no content in the sponsor area except the old welcome thread, which have been moved now into the Silver Sponsor area of Megapartners.

Good Job, GPWA!

Because the title of the thread is "Please Welcome Megapartners as a new Platinum sponsor!" everyone can see now, that they have degraded. Not only GPWA looks bad, also the program has really no benefit from the own revealing of their downgrade. People may ask themselves in their minds: "Is Megapartners short of money?", "Is GPWA sponsorship useless?", which is correct, or other not so nice questions.

This is so unprofessional. GPWA has not the slightest idea about business psychology. If a program is paying so much money, then the forum has to push that sponsor threads with content, stories, press relations, whatsoever. Even a new thread with cheap jokes would be better than revealing the own downgrade.

A thread with the title like "Megapartners -One-Liner-Jokes they will love in Sweden Embassy"
First post: "Swedish astronomer Andres Celcius died in 1744 at the age of 43, though his rival, Fahrenheit, was convinced he was 103."

Everything is better than the own revelation of failure.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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GPWA Sponsor Watch

Megapartners has downgraded from the overpriced Platinum sponsorship to Silver.

Never heard of them.

I had a look at their brands and after scrolling down 20 minutes to see the footer i stopped, because they have listed so many providers.

For me it would make no fun to think about playing there or to register as affiliate. Although there are some cool settings on megapari casino and maybe paying fast. Megaslot on the other hand looks more normal.

That's all a mix of different companies using license from original owner or directly operated. (Zavbin Ltd. ,N1 Interactive, Orakum N.V with license from Curacao and Malta, office at cyprus, support from Ukraine and so on)

It don't mean that's bad but i feel somehow uncomfortable when looking at.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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10.000 Views: More than I could expect

Thank you very much for 10.000+ views for this little corner of AGD. It's really not that easy to reach a readership with a niche opinion thread.

I am not writing for myself. This applies also for the other people, who are writing in this thread. Our words are for the people, for everybody, for those, who share sometimes the same opinion, sometimes not, for those, who have no opinion yet. It does not matter. The words have been always open and straight, and to speak for myself, this will not change until I will be finally reunited with my wife.

Then I have said enough, and my only wish is to sit with my wife, together with all our dogs, cats, rabbits budgies, cockatiels, king parakeets, red-rumped parrots and gerbils outside of a lovely hut at a lone forrest's big clearing knoll, surrounded by fragrant flowery meadows.

Our birds never had to suffer under a painful life in a usual cage. They could fly free in a very big space, all together.

I wish also like to make it very clear that AGD never changed, manipulated or censored anything, what I have said, not a single word, no letter, not even a comma. AGD never wrote me one single PM with any complaints about my opinions or anything in this direction. Never.

United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Constitution of the United States
First Amendment
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I have to break my own protest because of an alert message, which received me, that a Rewards Affilaites thread with tons of facts and truths have been closed. It has remembered me in that moment immediately to the GPWA Income Access incident. That's the reason, why I am here and indeed there ist something to make clear.

A thread was closed - also or especially - I don't know- it was closed because of "ad hominem"

The term "ad hominem" in the past once was a deep philosophy topic, people with intellect could talk about for hours. Since some years this terms now is only used as a tool worldwide for censorship and to silence voices, especially in the Western hemisphere, and I will explain you, why.

When there is a climate activist and this person is an open climate activist and starts to teach you personal how you have to make your life, how you will be allegedly a "better human being" in her/his eyes, and moments after the course is over, she/he is looking at the watch and says: "Oh, I have to get my plane to be on time on the cruise ship [which can only ship by sulphureous heavy oil], then every normal human being would think: "What a hypocrite this climate activist is" and would not give one Cent on her/his statement for an allegedly better life and would say that with all rights openly.

This is the reality, the normal life.

But this life is over.

All over the world people now say, that debunking of EVERY hypocrite and showing her/him the mirror, is "ad hominem", because it's "personal", but this is a phantom argument.

With that you can censor any voices on any topic. Think about that. It's a censorship-trick, nothing less.

All political debates are "ad hominem", every dispute in a romantic relationship is "ad hominem", every fight against scammers, criminals and other dirt is "ad hominem" at some point. Talkshows on TV are "ad hominem".

Does really anybody believe, one can fight scammers, criminals, animal abuser and other dirt without being "ad hominem"?

I have perhaps more life experience than most if not all of you, Since some years there is a change to a worldwide censorship. It's the world of George Orwell coming. It's a world wide suppression of truths and the freedom of speech.

And one tool is the "ad hominem", which is itself a pseudo-argument, This is not the beginning of the suppression. It became normality.

But it's nothing but a censorship tool.

Because all arguments of the part who is using "ad hominem" are at once void and invalid only because she/he is using this legit tool to debunk hypocrites. This is pure censorship if you think about that for a moment.

Arthur Schopenhauer, our great Philosopher, perhaps would say: "When there is nothing, put more nothing into it."
No, it's not a quote from him.
It's my own philosophical equation on "ad hominem".

I am coming from a country which had two dictatorships. No one can tell me, that there is any valid argument to suppress voices. And especially we from Germany, some of us at least, we know, how to organize resistance against censorship and how to bring the truth to the world and if it is from a warm nest in Scandinavia.

And you have all seen, what happened to GPWA, after censorship became there a normal tool.

It's over for them. Since weeks no new sponsor. I have told them, that even one guy can change something. After decades of investigate underground activity I will find always a way to tell the truth about anybody who deserves it with the full power and after some time with the full attention. I know exactly, how to do that. No one of you really knows anything about me aside of that, what I am telling you.

So I will give Dave regardless, what he is posting, a thanks, when I see it, as a sign that at least one person must reward his courage.

At GPWA they deactivated also this function, after I gave Dave thanks. It was the last option I had at all to show something there. Writing was not possible.

If someone wants to suppress me. I am here, and I will be always there on the net, and I know exactly, how to get the attention for my voice, regardless from which place and if it is a new place, safe as a fallout shelter, safe against any attempts of censorship.

I am so angry, when I see, that truths or voices will be suppressed in any way, regardless if it is in this industry, in any industry, regardless in which country or if they are white, black, Muslim, Christians or whatsoever. I freely admit that. The only border for me on free speech is, when a person is calling not with a satire but seriously for directly violence against individuals or a group of people. Then it's even for me over. But this is the only exception, and I made the experience with the GPWA Crime Family, that they do anything to suppress voices instead of arguing, when they arguments are over, and this happens very fast, because they are evil. Censorship is evil. Any kind of it.

I said only a few days ago, that AGD is quasi the only place, that is not censoring anything in any way.

Hopefully, this was not a fallacy.

I am sorry for you Dave, that you can not say, what you want anymore in one thread and that this threald like the Income Access thread at GPWA will slowly but surely vanish forever, because it's a closed thread, and this is the unavoidable fate of a closed thread. At GPWA it happened intentionally to do exactly that.

One last sentence to all of you, including AGD: I would swear under oath everything and all what I have ever said. Everything, what I say is the truth, and if one can not live with that truths and also satire, then this is not my problem. Everybody has to live with any opinion on her/him. I have to live with opinions on me written by shills, perverts, hooligans, idiots, criminals and rats since years.

And, where is the problem?

For me there is no, because I am a fighter and I embody what I say, in the real life, on the contrary to many others.

I dislike it so much, when voices are cut off.

I could say "hate" it so much, but hate is nothing, which has any benefit. No one should hate anybody or anything. This is not good. Since an eternity I do not hate anything or anybody anymore.

Contempt is the better word.

Yes, some of them I have debunked in my life, also from this industry, indeed there is some kind of contempt.

But no hate.

Hate is really no option. You must fight against this feeling. It's working. Believe me.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - After I watch the GPWA burn on its own action, or if one prefers, die on its own sword, I did have hope for AGD. However, the censorship/thread locking, using excuses to hide TRUTHS and FACTS, really make me think AGD is no better than the GPWA.

Clearly there's some kinda of relationship between AGD and RA/CR. Maybe a contra deal has been hiding in the wings. All I know is, for a gambling affiliate forum, who is supposedly looking out for its affiliate members, and affiliates on a whole, posting a reply from a casino affiliate program, and defending their criminal actions, speaks volumes, and displays a bias, which, should not be present, here, period.

The last time I took RA/CR to count over their unethical (crooked) cross marketing, it lasted a good 3 years. And, it seems, damage to ITS Management was done, because they changed that business name. That was Version: 1.0... I only let a littlee bit of HELL LOOSE that time.

In a few hours (unless the RA/CR crooks return monies they've stolen from me) Version:2.0, gets kicked into gear. A collection of dossiers with information about ALL RA/CR unethical history, will be circulated to governing bodies, and other places who shoulfd be aware of this past theivery.

As the story goes... If a they are stealing from affiliates, they will steal from players, and visa versa. And, if they are stealing from both affiliates and players, then it's likely they are stealing others too.

Reiterating... NZ Inland Revenue states, if you are collecting GST, you MUST provide a TAX INVOICE each month. RA/CR are not doing this... Furthermore, instead of doing what any legit, honest company would do... RA sends me a Deloitte URL, to a 2016 article, and uses that as PROOF they have to pay NZ TAX.

If anyone of you, will not see, and instead, continues to defend these crooks, and their trumped up, manufactured lies, which btw fits within their historical BS Modus Operandi, then it's clear this industry is full to the brim of crooks, and two faced snakes.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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In case I will be censored here in any way, for your information, I will open my "Industry-Endgame-Diary" in Scandinavia. It will be some kind of Casino industry Wikileaks, with absolutely no chance to legal censor anything. You will find it easy on Google. Just search for the big ones. I am really not bad at SEO, but are not that kind of showboat to talk about that on forums. Or look at my Twitter.

Rewards Affilaites are proven scammers, there is a possibility of tax evasion, they even tried to chase a friend of me, an innocent person.

As more I think about it as more I get angry. This was one reason to fall in love with my wife. She had the same opinion on opinions, that they have to be free at all costs.

What now happens with Rewards Affiliates is the Streisand Effect, named after the Barbra Streisand incident. It can be described in one sentence: "The more one tries to cover up, the more uncomfortable secrets and truths are coming to the daylight."

GPWA was so stupid to underestimate the power of this effect.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - 21 years in this industry, and life experience of guy who is almost 60. If life has taught me one (1) thing, that one (1) thing is: dumb people always outsmart themselves.

RA/CR have been tripped up multiple times on their own BS, and lies.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Over the years, I've seen a handful of affiliate programs say, for a given month, they are dedicating 10% of their revenue and donating this to a charity. An email is sent asking their affiliates, if they too would like to donate 10% of their month's commission, to this same charity.

Seems all nice and socially responsible, right?

But who actually pays the total donation? The affiliate program does.

Here in AU, making a donation to a charity, whatever is donated above $2, is tax deductible. I'm sure other countires have similar laws.

So in that vein, lets assume RA/CR are actually paying this tax NZ GST. (because frankly, I don't think even RA/CR are that dumb to use this as a cash-grab excuse).

That would mean they (RA/CR) are paying the entire amount.

It would certainly answering why RA is not issuing me (and I would assume other affiliates) a monthly TAX NZ Tax Invoice, and why garnished, historical NZ Tax records are not listed, in my RA affiliate account.

That would be a nice little rort/scam. Claiming payment on ALL NZ TAXES (which RA/CR would use a business tax deduction), when in fact, RA/CR only pay 2/3 of that total tax bill, and affiliates pay 1/3.

The MO of criminals is to steal, lie and cheat.
It's been factually proven, many times before, that RA/CR are experts in these fields.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I can't fix it.
The online casino affiliate program industry mutates more and more into a pimp-nest, where disrespectful little affiliate managers are ready to lower this business into the gutter they came from.

I am sorry, I can't fix that.

Some have not even respect for the elderly.

It doesn't matter.
When this kind of people will be fired even by PunkPartners.CO one day, I am still here and waiting for new PM.
Or may not.

What are the new TV highlights?

Of course, it's only a coincidence, that in the new APCW show from this week Propaganda-Man makes clear, the show can only be aired with the continious scam, or was ist continious support?, no matter, it's the same, so that the show can only be aired also because of the lovely peoply from Rewards Affiliates, already after 30 seconds, because probably the watch time of the videos is so bad and most people click away at the end of the first minute or latest after the Rewards Affiliates ad.

Universal4nothing is still watching all videos to the last second, in deeply hope, Miss Rewards has an appearance and will send him kisses over the screen for all the wonderful conference moments.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Red Alert: Platinum Sponsor of GPWA Crime Family on brink of implosion?

While the GPWA Crime Family was still taking money from the Betmaster scammers, AGD already on Christmas 2020 have put them behind the Roguehouse bars.

Since months the lowlifes from Betmaster again and again refuses to pay out money to affiliates or they pay only hand-picked in isolated cases, the reason, why this criminal program is listed here at AGD as rogue.

As usual and as if nothing happened, the GPWA Crime Family says nothing to that crime. Betmaster gave them the last money they had for the overpriced Platinum sponsorhip. Now Betmaster's wallets are empty, and they don't know, how to pay the people anymore.

All signs are indicating, this program is most likely on brink of implosion, because they are short of money and so they start to steal.

Behind the scene members of the GPWA Crime Family are in panic mode. If they will lose the next criminal Platinum financier, Tricky perhaps will be fired and must work as day labourer at the local zoo again to push twice a day with the wheelbarrow the elephant poo out of the enclosure.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Please, please skip my posts!
Don't read it! No!
I mean it seriously, because I want to be taken seriously.
Yes, by all of you.
Because I need you all so much.
Everyone of you.
Also the idiots, the perverts, the shills, all these funny crooks from the funny programs.
Even Mr. Corfleone, little Tricky and Propaganda-Man.
The Trio-Infernale.
I need you!
Please Tricky, also you must stop reading me.
You have censored so much in my 274.000+ views lucid diary as if you are obsessed by a demon.
Are you?
However, now you must stop reading.
Skip it!
I feel so sorry, that you could not be a part of the homeless game in Conference Room 1 at London.
I know, it was your deepest wish.
That's the reason, why IGB called you and said: "Hey, remove that from Leopold's diary."
And you did.
Oh yes, No-Affiliates-Services was not in the office. He was on a conference.
No ticket for you, Tricky.
Every time, he was out of the house, you felt so strong like a little creep with the given power to silence everyone.
You are the embodiment of abuse of power.
Please skip me.
But please, don't act like the traitor, who claimed over years, he does not read me but has quoted from my posts.
Multiple times!

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Welcome back to Germany, the land of the Leopolds - or was it Leopards?
I see everything.
However, here some words from Bonustreak about Germany.
She said, my country is the "toughest nut to crack".
No, we have been always a toothless Tiger or was it Liger?
A toothless -edit- until last year with respect to regulations.

If you missed Bonustreak's interesting Sigma Interview with that Germany quote and many more, an interview, which is public and not beyond a paywall, I have extracted that 3 pages into a PDF:

Wait some seconds for loading.

What an enlightening day.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Demons from Videoslots does not pay small Affiliate

You know, after Milli Sucks, the guy, who left every program, he worked for, in bad shape, after this guy also has left Videoslots, it was clear, it will not have a good end.

They obviously dislikes small affiliate so much, that they not only refuses to send them a small parcel for Christmas, not only steal their money with their insane admin-fee. No, they have a total Quota-Shocker in their terms, which makes the slogan "lifetime revenue share" to a travesty of the reality.

In the real world and especially in my country these kind of human being would be wiped of the map within a short time.

Here are the information about the Quota-Shocker: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/videoslots-anti-small-affiliates-terms.16878/

Here is the case, which proofs, my claims in the Quota-Shocker thread are true: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/videoslots-refuse-to-pay-comission-67682.16876/

Once again a day, where the wonderful people of this industry are praised and surrounded by sheer love.

And this is my video, Milli Sucks didn't want you to see. He tried hard to remove it and as every loser, failed:


Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

He's back and healthy!
The undefeated, the unbroken, the never-member-of-the-GPWA-Crime-Family.
The patriot with a big heart.
The person, who has empathy also with the few.
The same person, who had his own personal thread at GPWA, which haven been closed forever and so taken down by universal4nothing only because of the Coup-Capo's evilness.

Ladies and Gentlemen: It's Shay, the wonderful comrad, I dedicated him and his family personally already a long time ago this video:

Thank you so much for your support all over the years, Shay.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Force them to their Knees: Winner auf best Forum Signature ever

Hear ye, hear ye!

I hereby declare in the name of the undefeated only true resistance in this industry Avenger "RA Hunter" Aussie Dave winner of the Best-Forum-Signature-Ever contest.

There was an unanimous decision when the judging panel had to choose the winner.

Daves signature is not only a fantastic eyecatcher. This impressive artwork will also warm our hearts and refocus our vision with a message, which will force the evil to their knees. Everything in the signature must be pronounced. The final objective of this signature is to subjugate people to the Dark Empire of Mr. Jimmy and his stooges.

Nothing, not even a closed thread could stop him to continue to express his opinion on Rewards Affiliates.

This was a message from the nuclear bomb-proof underground bunker of the resistance.

Joshua Launch Code: CPE1704TKS

Copy of the winning signature:



In honour of the day the judging panel cracked a bottle of champagne together and will sent you Dave with this video an encrypted subliminal message, which is hidden in the white noise of Agent #18:

They will not prevail.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Sponsor Watch

Period of 16. March 2021 - 22. April 2021

Platinum -2 / 14 Sponsors
- Friends of Dench
- Megapartners

Gold unchanged / 9 Sponsors

Silver +1 / 17 Sponsors
+ Megapartners


Friends of Dench had purchased a full year sponsorship, beginning with 8. April 2020 and immediately stopped it after that period.

The story about the public relation desaster of Megapartners, downgrading the sponsorship level, you can read here: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-only-half-the-truth.14542/page-7#post-116668

Live long and prosper.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Propaganda-Man takes them all!

In his last APCW Weekly video Propaganda-Man lives up to his name again.

This week it's finally a pure propaganda show for Cheater, Cheeta?, wait, oh it was Chetu.COM.

Don't miss this wonderful interview with Mr. Cheater, who obviously has no public realation advisor who tells him, that the subconscious of the viewers are everything and that it looks a little bit silly to have a pen visible in the shirt pocket and the shirt sleeves on 3/4, if you want to tell a story like that into the camera with a high level of professionalism, and this is a topic, I have maximum knowledge about.

I mean, this is no mockery. This are the appearance basics, and its Propaganda-Man's duty to make Mr. Cheater look professional at all costs after his company is paying so much to the GPWA Crime Family for being on the show. Wearing a 2nd hand pimp-jacket is not enough.

However, the people, who had already experiences with Chetu, are thrilled of the company.

Here are only some of the public reviews of GPWA's new one-taker financier:

"Not satisfied with the work so I paused project and they sued us instead of making good on problems."

"Bound by NDA to NOT tell you how horrible they are. I can only say that we will never be using them for anything ever. Just run away."

"The worst company I ever dealet with"

"Great pitch, horrible execution"

"Chetu is almost the same as CheatU, not a coincidence! These people are running a legal scam."

"Avoid at all costs"

Great, right?!

What are you waiting for?
Go to the thread, fulfil your destiny as GPWA brownnoser and give Propaganda-Man a thanks!
Not even GPWA Crime Family Associate Cash-Bogus did!
Not even he of all people right now!

What is the matter with all of you?
Give it a thanks!