Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Rescue Alert issued for GPWA Pyramid-Scheme like Platinum Sponsor

This post is an add-on to the last on the prior page of this thread.

What has AGD to say about Betmaster?:


Yes, it's the bankruptcy artist Betmaster again, the same program, which is short of money since months and is only paying those, who won a ticket in their internal payment lottery to make them silent on forums. Unfortunately, they have not enough money to pay them all, so the GPWA Crime Family was put on High Alert now, and Mr. Corfleone ordered Propaganda-Man yesterday to insert a Betmaster ad within the first 30 seconds in the latest APCW video to keep this pyramid-scheme like program alive.

Betmaster urgently need fresh money, generated by new affiliates to pay the old ones. Otherwise GPWA will lose the next Platinum Sponsor, and you know, every more lost sponsor means, Tricky is one step closer to the elephant enclosure.

The morons from Betmaster tried the same, once Milli Sucks believed, it's a great idea: To open multiple account here on AGD to make some cheap high-five posts to themselves.

After it was discovered and public reported by @melcb, that the accounts william12, Denis and Yana wrote with the same IP address, no further questions are open about Betmaster. This is the lousiest move one can try.

Proof: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...e-not-paying-our-comission.16407/#post-113988

The lastest opinion on this program written by @safon3 says it all: "this affiliate program should not work, who will take off work, keep in mind that there will be problems with payments and managers, when requesting statistics, can send drawn screenshots, also players will disappear from statistics and calmly answer that there is nothing terrible)"

Source: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...ster-partners-audit-report.16647/#post-117128

But at least they had now their ad-hero-seconds on Propagada-Man's weekly KCTV news show.

Additional news on this matter:

Betmaster Audit Report: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/betmaster-partners-audit-report.16647/

Betmaster in trouble with Darknet Email Lists?: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/betmasters-will-steal-your-email.16856/

Betmaster's Excuses Farce: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-partners-are-not-paying-our-comission.16407/

So, sign up at Betmaster to pay with your money the old affiliates, who are waiting since months for their money. Hopefully you are not the bubble-boy and at the bottom of the Pyramid.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Quickies: Michael Corfleone's pathological Narcissism

Thread: Recognition for March's Active Affiliate Program Representatives

PM spammer LowLevelBird from GPWA Gold Sponsor Webpartners.CO wrote: "Appreciate the mention Michael and GPWA team. Keep up the good work! Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Please continue to hide from the evil covid ghost."

As 98+ % of all readers also Mr. Corfleone never cares about that active secret-algorithm threads after he published his prepared text modules, but if there is a chance to put himself and only himself into the spotlight, then he is there.

Instead of sharing Mr. Spammer's call, that "everyone" shall remain healthy, as usual, the only person on Earth, he believes, is important, is ... ?


It's him.
Only him.

Here his reply: "I got my second vaccination yesterday. So maybe in a couple weeks I'll feel more like I can play peek-a-boo instead of hiding out."

"I got ... I'll feel ... I can"

That's all.


No wishes, not a single word to anyone else, no wishes back to Mr. Spammer, that he also should remain healthy, nothing, absolutely nothing, not even one word to the members of his Crime Family. Indeed, Mr. Corfleone is not only a proven serial-liar, sore loser, GAU destroyer, hypocrite, ballot rigger, trickster, king of cowardice and criminal protector but also without any doubt a pathological empathyless narcissist.

And this is only one more case to all the other cases, the usual calculating brownnoser don't want to hear.

And some morons still paying for GPWA or begging for a spam link on the APCW link farm.

Nothing but the truth.

Any objections?!
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

For the sake of transparency: Moments ago the signatures on AGD have been changed.
200 characters is the new maximum.
Font size cannot be changed anymore.
Images still possible.
For now.

The reason?
You know it.

It's o.k., Dave and I, we did our best to spread the truth on all available radio stations.

Have a great day, Dave.
Imagine, I would not have made a screenshot of your signature.
You are new on this forum and very interested in Dave's full signature?

Here it is uncensored in the hall of true legends: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-only-half-the-truth.14542/page-7#post-117021


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Once again we find a cloaked, mysterious AGD Admin/Mod who hasn't got the balls to simply ask either Leopold or myself to edit out signatures. Instead, it's ALL done on the sly...

Seems I was right, AGD has finally turned the page, and is a mini GPWA censorship/propaganda machine.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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A new thread was opened today by AGD with the title "AGD Member Signatures"

This signature change was reported in this "Fact or Fiction" thread already yesterday, moments after it happened.

Why they don't tell you, the people the true reason, that's only a move to hurt Dave and me and so the truth?
Do you really believe, this change would have been made, if Dave and I would not exist?

I hereby confirm, not only Dave but also I did not received any PM from any AGD staff with the request to shorten the signature, which would be the normal way.

Would be interesting to know, who had cried for Daddy to hurt us both.
Make your own thoughts on this Signature-Gate.

Yesterday two super high IQ people tried to initiate a coordinated hit job on me, on a term issue, but like in other cases I knew already, what was played in the moment, the 3rd post have been written. As expected, the hit job attempt was a huge flop, and hours later Dave and I at once "lost" our signatures due to new rules.

What a coincidence.
It can be a coincidence, of course.
But it looks very bad.
And not for Dave and me.
We did nothing wrong.
This is a sober fact.

In my country we had two dictatorship eras, where people rats on other people, they don't like and felt malicious pleasure with it.
This kind of human being will remain forever.


A truth add-on:

The 1xBet Crime Family is a "certified" program at AGD
Forgotten all the fake slots crime.
Forgotten all the other crime.
Serious Crime.

They have been "certified" on 30. August 2019.

Here you have some articles from that "certification" year aside the public known crimes, you maybe did not read yet about the "certified" program, about 1xBet, their environment, their ethical standards, which includes all their criminal sister companies:

1XBET Ads Appeared on 1,200 ‘Pirate’ Sites in Past Six Months: https://torrentfreak.com/1xbet-ads-appeared-on-1200-pirate-sites-in-past-six-months-190906/

1XBET: The Bizarre ‘CAM’ Brand That Movie Pirates Love to Hate: https://torrentfreak.com/1xbet-the-bizarre-cam-brand-that-movie-pirates-love-to-hate-190526/

Russia Pirate Sites Dump 1XBET in Favor of Identical Yet Legal 1XStavka: https://torrentfreak.com/russia-pir...favor-of-identical-yet-legal-1xstavka-200404/

The Shadow behind them: https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money...ney-vanishes-murky-tangle-binary-options.html

Only a few of many articles.

It remains unexplainable to me, that people don't understand the power of the Streisand Effect.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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If my signature were impacted by this, I might be inclined to type up my signature on a notepad file, cutting and pasting it manually to the end of each and every post so that it appears to be a signature without being in the actual signature area.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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This is a good point, Shay. I have to make a decision on it, because if I will empty my signature, then it's all empty in the already 450+ written posts.

On the other side, at least for me, with a mobile device, the signature will not be shown, so half of all readers already now can not see any signatures and so your advice will outweigh the disadvantage of the already written posts. As you know, I am still using the Internet most with my still fine working Cold War era Desktop Computer.

However, for me, it's disappointing, because some thngs are so obvious, also other things like the 7 Bit Partners farce, but I am also situation-related a pragmatic, and in the moment for me it looks like that sooner or later a pretext will be found to kick me out, and then I have to chose the nuclear option, the 100% censorship-free Scandinavian War Room has to be opened.

And that in my age.

I am at least open and transparent.

In 7 decades no one ever has succeeded to finally silence me.

On the contrary: The Streisand Effect is real and working all by itself.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Editing global sig settings, closing threads, blind editing posts, it's all the same old same old. Why are people so scared of the "truth"... Why do some people go out of their way, to try and make others believe 1+1=5, when we all know, or should know, that 1+1=2.

My first site was GamblersLodge.com (sold to bigfish in 2003). Sometime in 2001, I introduced the fictitious character: Lenny the Lane Lurker, who, ran weekly reports on all the dodgy and unethical dealings within the online gambling industry.

For those who think 1+1=5... That's 20 years of knowledge about most of the dodgy sh#t that has taken place in this industry over, the last 20+ years. I do this because not many others will. Instead, it seems a LOT are more willing the kick the shit out of those who value honesty, and integrity over making dollars.

It seems those who speak up and try to make this industry a fair game for all, get persecuted, and if possible, made to be outcasts, when all they are trying to do is make this industry fair for all.

As one of my long time affiliate friends once said: remind me not to screw with you... your tenacious like a bulldog with a bone - you don't let go - you don't stop!

Closing a thread, to stop the truth... wow...


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Anyway, I've got bigger fish to fry. But will leave with this passing comment.
just like AU winter is coming , so too is ventit.org

100% freedom of speech, no laws can stop the truth on this site ;)

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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How universal4nothing became a Made Man: Tricky's Initiation Ritual

To get in the mood, click on play and read:

On 27. December 2017 it was Tricky's day. He was so nervous. After years of extreme brownnosing Mr. Corfleone and doing all the dirty jobs for him, now it was time, that he became a Made Man of the GPWA Crime Family.

Mr. Corfleone opened a big announcement thread for him, telling the people, that Tricky is now "a full-time GPWA staff member".

Behind the scene the Initiation Ritual had already started. Tricky entered the room. The Boss, Propaganda-Man and Mrs. Florida sitting on two old wooden benches.

While a copyright protected picture of Mr. Corfleone burned down in Tricky's hands, the Boss said to him:

"Listen Tricky. I know, we all know and also you know, you are a good for nothing, a loser, but you have done all that dirty jobs for me. So we will make you today a Made Man of our Family, so that no one ever again will call you the Elephant-Poo-Guy.

As you can see, Tricky, Anthony is not here today with us. I ordered him to stay home. He's weak. He has not that criminal energy like us, but it is not so easy to get rid off him without attrackting attention. So your job is, to sabotage his work and to do more dirty jobs on the forum. Harass the people, blackmail them via PM, censor anything you can, especially this damn f****r from Germany.

I will watch you, Tricky. If you are doing this job well, then I will remove Anthony from his admin position and degrade him to ... I don't know, I have to find a name for it first, anything like "service guy" or something like that. However, make the dirty work, and I will give you the admin position.

But you have to bring some money into the Family. So your 2nd full-time job is to acquire new programs for our criminal network, the GPWA sponsorship. This is, what I meant with opening that thread for you, o.k.?! So go out and find new sponsors for us. I count on you, Tricky!"


Tricky was so happy and started immediately to find new sponsors. The problem was, everyone in this industry knows, he is a fanatic wacko, and so he never brought one single program into the sponsorship program.


Not a single one!

This is the truth.

So Tricky became more evil, and Mr. Corfleone felt sorry for the guy, who once again demonstrated, that he is a total flop, Anthony was removed from the admin position and degraded, Elephant-Poo-Guy hijacked that position and is since that day the Top Capo of the GPWA Crime Family.

The Coup Capo.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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especially this damn f****r from Germany.

You've said some very funny things over the years, but this one, it takes the cake! It truly is deserving of, the funnest line, online, award. Well done :D

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Nice Anecdote about GPWA's monthly active winner Threads

We are close to May, but at GPWA still the active winner threads from February have to be reactivated to have some tension in the forum.

I have a nice anecdote for you about this monthly active threads, and it's true.

For some time multiple forum personality manager Milli Sucks in the function of representative of non-sponsor programs wrote his fingers bloody with meaningless empty barrel posts on GPWA, month after month, with the aim to finally be listed as one of the proud winners of the monthly active threads again.

But it never happened.

Probably he did not recognized, that if you are not an official financier of the GPWA Crime Family with at least Silver, they will never put you on this secret-algorithm lists.

He was not shown, neither on the representative list, nor on the members list.

You could see the pattern. Close to the end of the month, at once a final flood of meaningless 3-word-posts haunted the forum with an energy like a F-4 Phantom climbing with full afterburner.

Completely in vain.

Still dreaming about August 2015, when he was announced as winner of the active representatives from July 2015 with Fast Track, sponsor at that time, before he almost ruined that program before he left the office.

Or the active thread from September 2019, where he at least could rescue in the last days of the month the bottom position on the list as sponsor representative of KTO/Fortune Legends.

Mr. Corfleone obviously also changed the rules of the algorithm on the quiet, to make it for some people harder and for other easier to come on the member list. I have made math calculations with some factors to compare results from the past, and it was clear, he has changed something.

So even if there is a serious representative of a non-sponsor-program, a decent one, no spammer, even then she/he would never be awarded for the probably high value content delivered.

And this fact makes the whole active threads at GPWA irrelevant, because de facto, if you are a representative, you must pay for a sponsorship first to come on the monthly list.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The AGD Censorship Evidence?

Either this is a strange technical issue, a temporarily issue or AGD is now censoring. I will try to find out with this post.

The problem: In the signature thread at once, it's impossible for Dave and me to post any images.

I will check it here.

IMPORTANT: Refresh this post during Saturday again and again unless it's no longer edited in the last 60 minutes. Then you have the final version. There is no other choice to make live tests. I have to edit and to add correct information.

You don't need to refresh anymore. This is the final version.

Here is the ironclad proof, that something happend with the pictures: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/agd-member-signatures.16911/#post-117299

No statement from AGD so far, despite staff was online.

I can also proof, that prior embedded images are working fine:


Post #138 https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-only-half-the-truth.14542/page-7#post-117021

Image: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.roulettezeitung.com%2Fsignature.png&hash=e5aa61bbdf8b2b9466a9da18bf6274c2

I can embed the picture in this post, when I exactly use that url with %3 and so:


Now I triy to embed the same picture again without %3A and so, the original url:

Original Url: roulettezeitung.com/signature.png

Embedded into this post:


At once working?


I will try to embed the not shown image from post https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/agd-member-signatures.16911/#post-117301 now here:


Working at once.

You have to know, also this image, I have posted already in the past.

I will now go back to the signature thread to make one more test there.



The test is finished. With this post (https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/agd-member-signatures.16911/#post-117303) I could proove with facts, without being called a conspiracy theorist, that with a probability bordering on certainty the next censorship stage by AGD has been initiated.

It would be interesting, if this censorship is only valid to Dave and me or to all other members, if all members can not embed NEW pictures. Preview doesn't matter. I can see them in the preview. It's important, what happens after posting the images, not as an attachment, posting if from any url.

No surprise, that this happens on a weekend.

Two days ago, a proven fact, other members could embed images: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/wild-fire-7s-and-more.16918/#post-117246

My Strategic Air Command was placed moments ago at DEFCON 2. If there is no other explanation available for this incident, after 48 hours all forces will be placed at DEFON 1, and who knows me, I keep my word.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

You, dear audience, have a right for the truth!

Here is a textbook example of the Streisand Effect.

I have warned again and again about the Streisand Effect.
But who does not want to listen, ...

After images vanished obviously to hide, more truths came to daylight:

I will quote from Dave from today:

Nice, I've been image banned... Full marks for treachery AGD and staff for silencing the truth! If anyone wants to find me, or more to the point, read truths, not manufactured brow-nosing, then I'll be at ventit.org...

@bonustreak - you may recall I sent you a PM asking, if you had an issue with me... The reason I sent that PM, was because I found the post you'd made about me, in the Admin/Mod forums (when I had mod access) , where you asked/stated - when is Aussiedave getting kicked from the Island (Island meaning AGD).

Would think it's evident that I, dislike and appose crooked programs, and thieving igaming operators. However, there's only one thing I dislike more than this, and that's people who are two (2) faced."

Source: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/agd-member-signatures.16911/#post-117299


This is exactly the Streisand Effect.

I have already weeks ago made screenshots of all my posts here in this thread and in the signature thread, because my feelings were almost never wrong in my life and I can read people very well. For the rest I will do screenshots now.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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When an admin is online for about an hour, reading everything and says not a single word public to the image issue, then I can tell you as a former judge and also in the name of investigators, who are working for the courts, this behaviour can and will be interpreted as admission of guilt.

But this is only one aspect of this Dark Saturday today. The 1. May 2021 will go down in History as one of the darkest day of this industry, where everything is for sale, as the day, when it became evident, that in a secret area of AGD they came up with the plan to terminate truthseeker Aussie Dave from the forum only because of his right of free speech, only because of his opinions.

As a citizien of Germany, the land of poets and thinkers, but also a country with countless people, who were persecuted by two dictaorships within the last 90 years, also only because of their opinions, I will say to AGD, this is the most shameful event ever happened on this forum.

Sheer horror.

Tricky is not only a person.
Being Tricky obviously is a phenomena.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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If I am correct, the reply of @ddm to my post #5 in this thread ( https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...iate-program-sales-webinar.16888/#post-117270 ) has been completely deleted on the quiet without any public notice. I disagree with that, because it is hiding the true nature of the discussion and is protecting this member.

The true reason is: No one shall see the personal insults on the lowest level against my person, but the censorship is not to protect me. It's to protect the member, who wrote it, so that no one shall see his true nature and of course to protect the forum.

Also a part of the psyop which will be played here without any doubt in the meantime. There is time for censoring posts but no time to look at all of the countless certified program threads I have updated with data, which is exclusive content for AGD. I don't know, how many hours I have invested into that. Some threads are waiting since more than 3 months for real actions of AGD.

And after some days of waiting some words to "Islandgate". The only person who has shown at least an indirect signal with a thanks to Daves post, that it's not o.k., that there was a conspiracy against Aussie Dave initiated in the AGD secret area to remove him from the forum, that's Shay.

If you look at the signature thread, you see the traitor, other shills and haters and almost the whole AGD staff giving themsleves high-five with posts and thanks to each other to make Dave look like an idiot. Yes, also thanks are a clear signal by AGD staff.

AGD with that shady move gave the audience the clear signal, on which side their are standing.

I can understand, that the few decent affiliates can not write something about "Islandgate" public like I am doing it. But you have the chance to show Aussie Dave respect: Don't write posts. Without posts a forum is an empty, meaningless nothing. Look at the last posts here. Many of them, meaningsless, spam, propaganda, nothing.

The man, who has given AGD more than 4,000 posts, is now treated also by AGD staff with their clear signs like the last dirt on Earth.

The old rigged AGD obviously is back.
I was wrong with my statement some weeks ago, this is not the case.
It is one more disappointment.
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - really what do you expect from a so called affiliate watchdog site, who claims, they are "protecting affiliates interests", yet, go onto hand out certifications to lying programs with bogus commissions, and continue to keep King Billy and their 35% Admin Fee (scam), as an AGD sponsor.

Clearly they're all in cahoots, and treat their members like morons.

The best we can hope for is that affiliates see AGD for what it truly is sooner, than later.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The user deleted the post on their own, not anyone on staff.

I wrote the post on 29. April 2021, a Thursday. If I remember correctly, the reply in question have been posted within hours the same day. It was "deleted by ddm - Saturday at 3:20 PM"

So, @ddm deleted the own post not immediately but two days later at once without giving any reason, despite there is a field where one has to give a reason if a post is deleted?

Looks like the "Snowflake-Scheme": Insult on Twitter or Facebook people you don't like (from the other side). If you are part of the Snowflake-People, the Tech-Giants will give you a free-ticket for it. After some days, when you feel, enough people have read your low IQ insults, then fulfill your destiny as two-faced weak and cowardly nothing by deleting your tweets or posts at once as if nothing had happened. Main thing, enough people have read it and after the post has deleted, you, the weak attacker, can claim complete innocence with this scheme.

However, the quintessence of my theory is confirmed with that official statement by an AGD Admin, as I wrote, the post was "deleted on the quiet without any public notice [...] hiding the true nature of the discussion [...] to protect the member, who wrote it, so that no one shall see his true nature"

Censorship and also Self-Censorship by deleting an opinion post is the weakest, lowest, most cowardly, worst possible action on a forum in the internet.

If one censors his own opinion posts due to weakness, when the post vanishes into the "nothing", then with all rights one can name such an individual a "Nobody", because both words are subject of the same philosophical debate.

Now it's a proven sober fact, this individual is a weak and cowardly opinion-post-deleter.

Nothing more but also nothing less.

@Roulette Zeitung - really what do you expect from a so called affiliate watchdog site, who claims, they are "protecting affiliates interests", yet, go onto hand out certifications to lying programs with bogus commissions, and continue to keep King Billy and their 35% Admin Fee (scam), as an AGD sponsor.

Clearly they're all in cahoots, and treat their members like morons.

The best we can hope for is that affiliates see AGD for what it truly is sooner, than later.

Shortly I will publish here in this thread the content of a short but interesting GPWA thread about Rewards Affiliates (Casino Rewards) on the cross promotion scam. No surprise, the thread is no longer on the GPWA forum. You will know that thread, Dave, but many people for sure don't.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

Chosen as Sponsor to Come on Down on GPWA's "The Price is Right!"

Highlights of the new GPWA Gold Sponsor Winner 24/7 Partners

Termination at any moment without cause ✔️

7.1. [...] Either party can terminate this agreement [...] without cause

Earnings are bundled ✔️

A Hacker Helper Income Access program ✔️

25 % Admin rip-off Fee ✔️

Welcomed by Mrs. Florida with signature link to Finance Affiliate Scam Programs, also by GPWA Crime Family Associate Cash Bogus with "Congrats on the gold sponsorship!" ✔️

As if they have won a price.

As so often Aussie Dave the only person in the thread with IQ, clarifies: "It's not a competition, they didn't WIN gold, they paid for gold... Big difference"

Stay tuned for more winning sponsors, coming up on the second half of "GPWA's The Price Is Right".

After the commercial break.
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