Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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IMPORTANT: To be up to speed please skip back to the previous page and read at least the last 4 posts, created by Aussie Dave and AidanLCFC first

Between (by parts of the new young snowflake generation) new definied term "bashing" and speaking out uncensored the truth also with an satirical cape, there is a big difference.

Does anybody believe, MLM frauds, romance scammers, animal abusers and GPWA machinations can be combated with loving words, brownnosing, silence or weak actions?

Moreover, if not here in this special thread, one thread is not the whole forum, it's only a tiny, little corner of AGD, if not here where else can you still tell the truths about GPWA and some delicious sponsors uncensored, so that all that things get the attention it deserves?

My 270,000+ views Lucid Diary at GPWA has proven, that also in this industry people are interested in uncomfortable and uncensored truths.

And those liars in the audience, who probably claim, I am only "bashing" here at AGD and nothing else, should go to my profile page here, post acitivity and after that they shall tell me, how many times they have invested their lifetime here for term information for the many, especially for small affiliates.

Don't get me wrong. I am happy to do this, because it's useful content for the readers. I have no benefit from it. But if I am doing that, and one has to do it, then other people, who have character and don't obey to GPWA, can tell unhurriedly their opinions and stories here in this tiny, little corner.

This post ist the hundredth opinion in this thread already.

GPWA is without any doubts the headquarter of all evilness, so people and also new programs have all rights to know all truths and not only half the truth - like the title of this thread was created in this way a long time ago.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Sponsor Watch

Period of 14. February 2021 - 15. March 2021

Platinum -1 / 16 Sponsors
- M88 Partners

Gold -1 / 9 Sponsors
- Parimatch Affiliates

Silver -1 / 16 Sponsors
- Pokie Partners


M88 Partners became GPWA Sponsor on 17 November 2020, Parimatch Affiliates on 9 June 2020 and Pokie Partners on 16 November 2020.

An interesting note, according to GPWA Parimatch and Pokie without any admin fee and M88 with a low admin fee of 12 % have fled from GPWA. I feel my opinion, GPWA mutates sooner or later into a pure crime scene with admin fee scammers, shady or criminal sponsors only, reinforced.

Pokie Partners Admin Fee Backdoor

However, in the Pokie Partners terms there is an admin-fee backdoor:


1.14 “Net Revenue” or “NGR” refers to all money received by Pokie Partners from New Players as placed bets, less [...] (d) administration fees

Source: pokiepartners.com/terms-and-conditions/

Parimatch ripping off small Affiliates

You should know, that Parimatch are ripping off small affiliates, because if you acquire only 0 -5 new players in a month, you will receive a tremendous revenue share of 5 %. For the level of 20 % you have to acquire at least 21 new players in a month.

Source: air2.parimatch.com/en/affiliates/main

M88 dead as a Tinned Kipper

M88 from the beginning was dead as a tinned kipper. Not a single post in the sponsor area. The unprofessionals from GPWA not even moved the welcome thread into the sponsor area, so that there is at least anything to read.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Great News for the Youth - 1xBet is coming after you

After the 1xBet Crime Family scammed almost all human beings with an age over 25 on this planet, they now lurking for new victims, the youth in the gaming scene.

Ashley Clark Fake, the "GPWA Dominator", proudly announced, that 1xBet is now official Global Betting Partner for ESL Pro Tour CS:GO and ESL One Dot.

Great news, right?!

Remains the question, for whom.

If it were allowed, the 1xBet-refuses-to-pay-out-Scheme wouldn't have a second's hesitation of blowing off even the wallets of 6-year old children.

At least Miss Florida gave a big thanks.

Crime Families have to stick together, if they can benefit from each other.

I give a triple, no a dozen thumbs up for this wonderful news.


May 2, 2011
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I know that from my time, when I was much younger and physically fit, when we rescued pets in a dead of night operation from an Romanian Animal Concentration Camp. Yes, Concentration Camp. Believe me, there is no other word, which can describe this indescribable pain, torture and cruelty.
Before you start tossing stones in someone else's garden, maybe look into yours first eh? Cause I can name a country where the concentration camps were not made for animals. Don't be such a hypocrite and spill shit about Eastern Europe acting all mighty and rich from a country that has a history for its cruelty and stupidity.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The GPWA moles will never give up.

First things first: I can not remember, that I have attacked you personally here in this thread, xecutable. You started the personal attack now. It was not me.

For the record.

Because some people very often try later to lie about the chronology of events.

Everyone should know, I am a fighter. So I will give you the right answer.

Animals have been always the better human beings, and on the contrary to some GPWA moles, who desperately try now to come after me also here wthout any arguments and the "traitor", who is giving you a thanks for your post, despite he had clamined for years, that he never read any of my posts and was debunked many times with that lie, on the contrary to such kind of people I have a very good understanding and knowledge of history and I know Romania and Bulgaria very well, very very well, unfortunately.

So that you can do something for your education: The term "Concentration Camp" was not only used by the Germans. The "Relocation Centers", where countless innocent U.S. people with origin from Japan were kept like animals in lamentable conditions after Pearl Harbor are described by most independent historians as "Concentration Camp", like also many other sad eras had some, e.g. the Khmer Roug era in Cambodia and 1999 some Concentration Camps during the Balkan War or the British Concentration Camps in the South Africa War. Not only Germans have been evil. History shows, the human race at all is evil and we should do everything to make children better, and sometimes it's working very well.

Every place, where innocent human beings of a large number are in a confined space "concentrated" in a "camp" and tormented will described also in the future by historians as "Concentration Camps" to remember, how evil such things even to begin are. It's not a unique German feature anymore. It's the maximum power, a Mark of Cain to name evilness.

And in my opinion this applies also to animals, and what especiially Romania and Bulgaria are doing, how they are so disgusting gruesome to animals and I have seen that so many times with my own eyes, this experience no haters, no stalkers, no moles, on one on this planet can and will take me away or downplay with no-arguments-attacks.

For the low IQ readers: Since 1946 West Germany and since 1989 also East Germany are the absolute cornerstones for peace and freedom in Europe. So if any idiot on the internet today still tries to compare a German - outside of satire - with the Nazis only because he is a German, then he is indeed, what almost everyone here in Germany and everywhere should think, especially the young people, a complete moron.

We the Germans of all people with our history, especially we have to fight back our right for Satire, free speech and the freedom of art, which has been stolen from us by not one but two dictatorships within one century. The "German Empire" 150 years ago can not be described as a classic modern dictatorship. I was a different time in history.

So next time, if one want to attack me personal without substance, please do the job better. At least the "traitor" gave you a thanks. Ask him, what a "hypocrite" can be, not me. It's his free choice to cry for Daddy now for a censorship. Hopefully, this is not GPWA here, where he is Consigliere of Mr. Corfleone and has some power to "fix" things. Yes, this is the sober truth. And why you all have not the right to know that? Taking all people for an idiot. Truths don't care about color, race, religion, age or history. They are simply truths. I am fed up with this stalking by some wannabe-rulers and will tell you all if this not stop.

Of course, you have the right to do so. Write whatever you want. I would never request anything for a censorship.

But I have also the right to fight back.

And I will do that, You can count on it.

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May 2, 2011
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A personal attack would be, if I held you personally responsible which of course I did not. If however mentioning facts is an attack, then by that definition, you did attack the whole Eastern block, and I'm tired generalizations and bigotry from places which did much worse.

"There are other evil countries" is not a legitimate excuse, as there's no excuse for animal torture or camps. However you can't condemn one cruel practice just because it happened to be in Eastern Europe, and defend everything else because it's in your own country.

Either all crimes are evil or no crimes are evil. There are no half-pregnant women out there.

P.S: Handling criticism is vital. I thought that was the point of the forums. You can't have everyone agree with you and your views.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Judgment: Bwin has to pay back all losses

Following a judgment by the German Regional Court of Giessen on 25. February 2021 (File reference 4 O 84/20), Bwin has to pay back 12.000 Euro to a plyer, all his losses, because a Malta licence in Germany is worth nothing and so it's illegal gambling.

We do anticipate a wave of lawsuits now.

The decision is not yet effective and can be appealed against by Bwin until early April 2021.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Sorry that i warm up again these theme but i want to share my opinion because i was a little shocked.

Yes we germans have a bad history and all have somewhere in their mind, hidden in a drawer.

xecutable felt somehow attacked because i guess he lives in east-european and the word "Concentration Camp" was used.

We should not always put every word on gold scales but it shows also how sensitive this theme is and people react.

Animal welfare is unfortunately an issue that is ignored by many countries. I was one time in Bulgaria (also in the Zoo) and yes it's a poor country and yes the conditions are partial catastrophic. To Romania i can't say nothing.

But i think this is not the right place to condemn about countries with a bad history from the past or to compare who had done what.

In each country there are people who condemn their own history or practice and try in their own way to fight and to make this world a bit better. Unfortunately with little success sometimes.

Let us concentrate better to our business here and discuss about bad practice or bad programs with predatory terms or with too high fees.

Otherwise we would have much to write about the world.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Judgment: Bwin has to pay back all losses

Following a judgment by the German Regional Court of Giessen on 25. February 2021 (File reference 4 O 84/20), Bwin has to pay back 12.000 Euro to a plyer, all his losses, because a Malta licence in Germany is worth nothing and so it's illegal gambling.

We do anticipate a wave of lawsuits now.

The decision is not yet effective and can be appealed against by Bwin until early April 2021.
Unfortunately it becomes more and more practice that players sue any company or payment provider and claim their money back.

And this will supported by companies that take care of it and of course they earn money from it.

Morally, I think that's a very lousy thing. This means also that some people don't have any "honor of playing" because they knew exactly what they are doing.

To say now that i have lose my money and sue the companies isn't fair in my eyes. What do the customers do if they got the money ? Playing further or stop playing ?

We don't have to be surprised if the conditions for us customers keep getting worse because the companies want to protect themselves.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I share your opinions on losing, Insider. If one is losing his money at the tables, then he has to accept it. Or will he also give back the winnings? No.

Unfortunately, in this case it was not one of those slots wackos but a Roulette player, which makes it more worst to me, because normally Roulette players have decency, moral and character, at least the serious ones or those from the old guard like me. There are a lot of fine slots players, but because of the higher addiction a lot of crazy people.

Bwin can now appeal against this judgment at the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court. If they lose again, a very critical situation will arise and probably decide the future of all similar civil cases here in Germany.


We do not have case law here in Germany. It's always a case to case judgment, and the judges are totally free to judge their own way.

With one exception.

They have to follow decisions of our Federal Supreme Court (BGH).

And here is the critical situation. If Bwin loses also in the appeal proceedings, then they have only two options, to give up the case or to go to the Federal Supreme Court, and if they will go that final way and lose finally also there, then this Bwin High Court Judgement will ensure, that every loser will win every case in Germany, regardless in which city or against which casino program it will be filed.

Every case then is a sure win.

So it can happen, that it's in Bwin's own hands to decide if thousands of cases will be successfully filed.

This is the reason, why shady collection agencies here in Germany never went finally to the Federal Supreme Court, because they know, a judgment by this court to their disadvantage in one single case would be valid for all of them and for all judges, for all future cases, everywhere in Germany and would destroy the complete rip-off scheme, many are making tremendous profit with on the back of small people.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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This Week Ads in APCW Perspectives

Give a big thumbs up to potential Christmas Money Gift Hoaxer Alpha Affiliates, also to Betwinner Affiliates with probably incorrect data by GPWA published.

They claim, that the negative carry over with Betwinner "depends on payment frequency. If payment weekly (every Tuesday): Yes, negative carryover. If payment monthly: No negative carryover"

"If payment monthly: No negative carryover"

In the terms is standing exactly the opposite:

12. Negative Carry-Over
12.1 In the event that the total Net Revenue from your referred users is negative for a given month, the negative balance will be carried over from month to month

So what is now the truth?

Notice, that this new version of the terms was created after 27. October 2020.

Also interesting:

11. Payment Terms

11.4 You will only be paid unless you have a balance of at least $30 owed to you and starting with 3 active customers invited for a payment period (NET-7, NET-30, NET-60).

Source: https://betwinneraffiliates.com/en/terms-and-conditions
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Until the turn of the year 2020/2021 Playigo was GPWA Sponsor.
Now they have to bite the dust.
What conclusion one has to draw, it's the own decision.

I can only say, Karma exist, and it will hit all of them sooner or later.
Hopefully, this will come during my remaining and foreseeable lifetime.

This industry is like a spider web.
Allmost all writers, business partners and employees must conduct themselves in such a fashion, that the personal or business dependencies, obligations or influences can continue.

This is nothing but a gigantic psy-op opus, the climax of self-deception and rampant hypocrisy.
A Kafkaesque puppet theater, lousy staged but narrow-minded continued, before the final curtain call will end the showboat show.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The next "Fallen-Hero" Program?

One of the biggest problems of this industry is, almost all people tend to forget uncomfortable truths. It's easier. If they feel happy, they don't care anymore what happened in the past. Many were not even 18, when scandals or other events took place.

Old Dinausaur like Dave or me for example, it's not so easy to trap us anymore.

And in a brandnew case with Rewards Affiliates, Dave remembers us what should be unforgotten, because only the whole story is the full truth, if one likes it or not.

Here is the story: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...-not-paying-and-untagging-high-rollers.16774/


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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The next "Fallen-Hero" Program?

One of the biggest problems of this industry is, almost all people tend to forget uncomfortable truths. It's easier. If they feel happy, they don't care anymore what happened in the past. Many were not even 18, when scandals or other events took place.

You know the way some affiliates choose to ignore the "facts" the plain as day truths, really does astound me.

In the case of Rewards Affiliates/Casino Rewards, they were both BUSTED using underhanded tactics to encourage tagged players, to play at their other casinos, and not give credit to the referring affiliate.

In addition to that, literally 100's of affiliates are all singing the same song. That is, once RA/CR got hold of their player bases from casinos purchased by CR, the months following these acquisitions, these affiliates income ground to an abrupt halt. Basically their revenue stream STOPPED as soon as CR/RA came along.

However with ALL these facts, a percentage of affiliates, even those who know they've been burnt by RA/CR, still continue to protect this program's backside. It's not unlike a repeat of Stockholm Syndrome.

My question is... would these same people feel the same, if, each month, the same burglar (who they know) broke into their home and stole their possessions. I dare say they'd be calling the cops quick smart.

Yet when it comes to an affiliate program, who they know have robbed them blind, not only allow this BS to continue, BUT go so far as defending these crooked, criminal acts. :eek:

Theft is theft no matter how it's sugar coated!

And currently, Rewards Affiliates are stealing from me.

They pay me a maximum of 1.3% (wagering model). But are charging me 5.25% Tax share.

I do not earn 35%, I earn 35% of 3.71%, which = 1.3%.

RA are stealing from me and additional 5.055% tax, which is not my share to pay.

My share is ONLY 1.3% of 15% = 0.195% Tax.

I made contact with Renee way back in August/Sept 2020 when I was told about this Tax grab. I made it pretty clear that I was not being paid 35%. Instead, a mere 1.3%.

I could not make any progress, RA/CR would not see reason. They refused to budge.

In the end, I said to Renee...
Well, if your adamant I earn 35%, then you owe a lot of back pay commission.

I never received a reply to that email... Why? She knows damn well I only earn 1.3%, max. Not 35%. Hence, charging me 5.25% for NZ tax, is a huge scam and rip off!

To date, they (RA/CR) have garnished (errr stolen) over US$10,000 from me, by using a bogus % value. How many other affiliates are being scammed with these bogus/fraud calculations?

Reiterating, is this TAX even legit?

Eye Opener...
An online igaming entity, who claims to voluntarily pay tax 15% NZ... BUT... do their utmost to open shelf companies, trust accounts and subsidiaries in TAX HAVENS, all in effort to avoid paying TAXES. o_O

Worse, Renee sent me a link to deloitte.com, for an article date 2016. Deloitte is not the TAX Dept., for the NZ Gov. Hence to date, no factual proof this tax garnish is legit, or is being paid to NZ.

I'm of the opinion, both Renee and Celia believe, the NZ Tax is being paid. I

My beef... Is this Tax really being paid. And, if so, I should only be charged a rate of 0.195% of the total 15% NZ Tax. Not 5.25%, which I'm being slogged, now.

I do not earn 35% of 100%... I only earn, 35% of 3.71% = 1.3%

lol...maybe another bogus cash grab, this time, paying for their new German Casino - Vegas Action.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I should add, no point trying to discuss this matter at the GPWA, you'll get no satisfaction.

FYI...the proof of unethical cross marketing was posted here:

Affiliates who partnered with Rewards Affiliates were not happy, now knowing they'd be scammed. Eventually, a vote was taken by the GPWA. The voter were its private members.

There were two (2) options... RA got kicked as sponsor... or RA did not get kicked.

The vote returned a unanimous call to have Rewards Affiliates kicked as a GPWA sponsor.

However, Michael Corfman then turned tail, posting, this vote was only to gauge members feelings. The GPWA would not revoke Rewards Affiliates sponsorship.

Why affiliate still support this sh#thole (GPWA) is a head shaker. They use affiliates as cannon fodder, to line their pockets with dosh... FFS can people not see this BS!!!

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Cold Cases Re-examined: Vampire Hunter Aussie Dave investigates Rewards Affiliates [again]

A vampire program hides his true self usually under velvety beautiful clothes and a noble cloak to beguile and distract his victims. But the very few vampire hunters like Dave, one can count on one hand, have escaped from the final bite, will never forget the dark past and nothing can stop them to continue to fight for the whole truth.

Hopefully, you have read carefully, what Vampire Hunter Dave has to say.

He revealed the fact, that Mr. Corfleone overturned the outcome of the free election at GPWA from independent affiliates to slain that sneaky cross promotion program with a stake, driven through its heart, because Mr. Corfleone's Dark Empire must survive at all costs.

Dave explained, how some people, bitten by the Vampire Program, suffer under the Stockholm Syndrome.

He revealed so many more, a creepy story about Rewards Affiliates, you should not read your children before bedtime, because they will never sleep well again.

Since 154 days absolute silence in the Rewards Affiliates crypt at GPWA.

Be vigilant and don't fall asleep.

Mr. Corfleone and his Dark Empire ... They are waiting for you.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Rewards Affiliates: Once upon a Time in the Middle of April 2011

Some players woke up earlier than expected in the night of 15. April 2011 and anxiously waited for new wonderful moments to arrive. It was a sunny day.

They checked their email box, their new messages after they enjoyed breakfast with the beloved family and found a mysterious newsletter from "CR Help Desk" with the email address "do-not-reply@casinorewards.com" and the subject "Your CR Newsletter - Wishing you Fair Winds". No doubts, it came from Captain Cooks Casino.

Some people talked to each other and it turned out, all of the Casino Rewards players received this seductive letter, which came as a gift from Heaven.

Great offers and suggestions to visit all of the other 21 online casinos of Casino Rewards.
All of them.
Why else would they have so much casinos?

Well made links, attractive icons and astonishing bonus offers. The newsletter was made very well.

And so countless players felt convinced, clicked with a smile and a well filled wallet on the links, the icons, the timely limited bonus offers and were so happy to be entertained with 21 new casinos.

So much money was wagered, probably hundreds of thousands of Dollars.

Unfortunately, the affiliates obviously did not received a single Cent.

It was all a gigantic cross-promotion scam.

A huge scam, the reason why Mr. Corfleone, the Boss of the GPWA Crime Family, had to overturn the election of affiliates to terminate Rewards Affiliates.

Ask yourself one question, or better ask this question your children: "Mr. Jimmy, busted RTG Superscam-Artist, the Boss of that Crime Family, is he really a guy, normal people would make business with or with his puppets? With Rewards Affiliates?"

I know, what well behaved children would answer.

Of course, people with Stockholm Syndrome will give them a reprimand for it.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The Rewards Affiliates Scams: Endgame

A few days ago I could watch Dave flying in the clouds. Everything around him was filled with a beautiful glowing light. He saw me. A smile. Then Dave hoverred slowly down to me, came up to me, placed his hand on my forehead, and an unbelievable flow of energy surged through me, an inspiring wave, that sent my heart beating frantically.

That's why we're here.

Rewards Affiliates.

Mr. Jimmy, what's the matter with you?
Since more than 150 days no action in your paid propaganda headquarter at GPWA.

Do you really think, you, the RTG fraudster and cross promotion serial-scammer, you can get away with what you and your henchwomen have done?

Rewards Affiliates.
Treating players like the last dirt on Earth?
By what right?
Only after Aussie Dave walked onto the stage, players get paid within 24 hours, who have been waiting before for more than a year for justice?
Taking Jackpot winners and so the audience over years for an idiot?
This will all now revealed again.

What is the matter with you?!

What about the probably hundreds of thousands of Dollars you have stolen from all that hard working affiliates, nice people with families, children and obligations?

It's easy to have a funny and good life with the stolen money of other people.
A sexy life.

Also Miss Rewards not only is an empathyless and two-faced snake, and if you know me, you should know, after 20+ years in this industry, I know exactly, what I am talking about. I have and had never a reason to lie. More worst: It's a proven fact, that she was accomplice of the most gigantic cross promotion scam ever in this industry.

Or was her chair empty during that scam?
Has anybody else hijacked her GPWA forum account to initiate the forgotten cross-promotion-scam psyop to deceive the people in her name?

No, it was her and Mr. Jimmy, the commander, a commercial criminal, dealt the cards.

Are you still surprised, why she is Mr. Corfleone's darling everywhere, anytime?

We, Aussie Dave and I, two of the last Avengers in this industry, we do not suffer under massive Stockholm Syndrome like others, we are not that disgusting kind of 24/7 calculating brownnosers, and we will never give up.

After the GPWA Crime Family tried to blackmail me, after their personal harassments, personal threats like the Mob, a never seen before North Korean like censorship, after the failed attempts of loser Mr. Corfleone to spread lies about me, after they still lie to you, all of them, about my member status, day by day, after all of this and my history in the real life, do you really believe, you have the slightest chance to mess with me?

Mr. Jimmy, we will tear your masks off your faces and ensure, that the truth will remain forever and if it will be a place of absolute freedom for truths at a safe haven anywhere in the middle of nowhere of Scandinavia.

A haven, where people like you are not welcome, Mr. Jimmy.

I have always tried to led a moral and decent life and to help people in the real life, make them happy, even people, I have never seen before. The real life, Mr. Jimmy. Not this virtual pseudo-world where criminals like you can metastasize. When I visited my wife for countless times in the hospital, I entertained also all the other women in that room a little bit to give them all some nice and warm moments in their sad situation. So I was always, and when I think about my wife, lost forever, what she has embodied, I must really say, people like you Mr. Jimmy and your entourage, you are a disgrace to our society.

The Endgame has begun.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The next 7 days I will check not a single term here for the community. Sorry, but I am not an idiot for the only-takers.

Obviously it hurts the snowflake generation already, if terms will be quoted at all. Yes, it's true. If one is quoting only a term from a program, one is working for, it hurts the feelings. It's emotional for some to read quoted terms, and no one comes to hug, for comfort or for any warm moment to survive that. It's unbearable, all these terms. The reading breaks their heart, and they leave the forum a broken man.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Because I have received during the last 4 months, wait a second, yes exactly 126 letters with messages for Fraudnanda, partially ennobled with shining Snow White, Glitter sparkles and soft decorations, I have called the mental asylum in Tel Aviv yesterday to ask for her.

We talked some minutes. She is fine and at the weekends she can leave the building for an hour with a guard. The long distance relationship with Tricky is working very well, she said. Once a month he sends her $5 in a with aftershave perfumed envelope from Florida.

Next week is the first fitting for her electronic foot shackles.

Fraudnanda told me to deliver kisses to all of you.