Wagershare - Becareful of these rogues!

Rogue Affiliate Program


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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I will Rick after I hear back from them one last time.

We have been going back and forth all day and will share all info after the end result is in. At this time the mails have been cc'd to 4 people there.

I hope its today.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Seriously guys here at AGD please rethink your rules before throwing good programs in the gutter.

Unfortunately things are not that easy.

If I had to choose I rather lose 10% revenue share (25% rev.share in stead of 35%) than 100% from redirected/cross promoted traffic !


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Wagershare have been ok with me. Like all companies they've turned over a fair bit of staff and I think they're snowed under at the moment. They're based in London. I've read a lot of bad press about them but I think that's perhaps something that happened in the past. The session only tracking cookie they still maintain is definitely not good though when most other advertisers give you a 30 day cookie.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Seriously guys here at AGD please rethink your rules before throwing good programs in the gutter.

Unfortunately things are not that easy.

If I had to choose I rather lose 10% revenue share (25% rev.share in stead of 35%) than 100% from redirected/cross promoted traffic !
Well I still have one big player who has not been locked ,we send them just a small number of players on Betway because of the quotas etc.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 3, 2011
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Hi Everyone

We are not frequent contributors here, we tend to read more than we write:)

We are always confused when Wagershare is hammered in this and other forums. Mainly because we have mostly had a good relationship with them. They are a very big and professional organisation with several layers of decisionmaking. This in turn makes it such that the decisionmakers (beancounters) are very far removed from the people who has to listen to our bitching and moaning. All the things that we as affiliates are concerned with as discussed in this thread and other threads have come about as a calculated policy decision on their part. In that process they have chosen not to consider affiliate reactions or consequences, unfortunately..

Dropping back to 25%: Back many years ago i asked directly about our "special deal", it was made quite clear that if we do not perform over time we wil be dropped back to the default level. So when we reduce our efforts to them we fully expect to be lowered. We have the same expectation with every program we deal with, they are business people and we expect them to use both carrot and whip to motivate us to perform for them.

6 month locking of funds: This sucks, but we understand why they do it. Every affiliate T&C mentions chargebacks, affiliate and program will bear this burden together. Wagershare is hedging this by considering all locked accounts as a chargeback risk for the 6 month period. We have looked at our stats and queried wagershare about high numbers of locked players. It is a little bit easier in Wagershare casinos to self exclude yourself, this is what most of these players are. I think this happens with all licensed casinos, we just dont see it in the stats. And their beancounters are not ahead of the game, so either they eat the chargebacks thmselves, or they deduct it when it happens (There is minimal chargebacks in these locked Wagershare accounts)
So what they do is they freeze our cashflow for 6 months to protect themselves, we hate it, they know we hate it, but do not seem motivated to change it. We do not consider it a dealbreaker.

All the above being said, we find Wagershare to be a predictable and professional partner. We dont think they deceive us, but they are very clear about who has the upper had in the relationship.

We choose to work with them because they are best at converting and retaining our Microgaming traffic in our core markets(no one else is even close). We really dont have a choice.

So now i have thrown myself to the wolves, be nice please.

Have a fabulous rest of weekend.



Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I can't really make up my mind about Wagershare, but the bottom line is I really don't think they can be trusted 100%.. in fact, not even 75%.

One thing IS 100% certain - they are engaged in virulent and consistent spamming bombardment campaigns which is the main reason why I have dramatically dropped their profile on my sites.
Most programs say spamming is not allowed - and yet they are they worst culprits I have ever seen! :(
If they can bend their own rules like this to line their pockets, what make affiliates think they wont bend the rules concerning linking & commission too?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 13, 2008
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For anyone trying to defend Wagershare just take a note of the following. Back in 2010, I started to see a large number of players becoming locked. These weren't your average $10 - $20 players, but decent players generating a nice amount of commission each month.

It got to the stage that in the summer of 2010, I went ballistic at Jarren, who refused to put me in touch with either Tim Whyles or Brian Suskin ans said my earnings which amounted to a good four figure sum, would be witheld until 3 months had lapsed, with no chargeback. I would then have to remind them to check whether a charge back was incurred. There was no automated system in place to do this.

Anyhow, I managed to get them to pay me, after threatening to out what they were doing on all the forums I have accounts on.

I have been an affiliate since 2004 and Wagershare are the only program that have such a high proportion of locked accounts and are also the only program I know, that with hold earnings whereby chargebacks have not arisen. Further more they also pulled a stunt back in 2006 when they pulled of the US, with holding US generated earnings in case of chargebacks.

They do not have a presence on any affiliate forums any more. The owners ie Tim and Brian are no longer reachable and they now have implemented this retroactive quota, which allows them to with hold your earnings from your existing plaayer base. ( They owe me around £500 currently, but apparently my affiliate account is now closed according to Stats Remote )

I have said it before and I will say it again, I trust Wagershare about as much as I would trust the likes of Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter to look after my kids.

If they currently are doing ok by you, don't come crying when they do decide to ram you up the backside.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 27, 2010
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I have said it before and I will say it again, I trust Wagershare about as much as I would trust the likes of Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter to look after my kids.

If they currently are doing ok by you, don't come crying when they do decide to ram you up the backside.

Ouch! unfortunately true... :(

Here is my story/experience: They told me "we really want to be on your websites". I answered that I've got already too many affiliate programmes to look after and it's not worth promoting for 25% rev-share. The AM promised 50% for 3 months and then "we can negotiate a deal, however we want you to put us in your microgaming casino raking on top (and banners)." I did so (plus reviews , you know the drill!) and acquired a nice amount of new depositors (IMHO) and even 2 high rollers.
Well, after 3 months the put me on 25% without contacting me. I sent an email asking for a special deal. Their reply was basically: Nope, you were lucky to get 50% for 3 months anyway. You get 25%, there's nothing to negotiate here. We don't do special deals and we never said you'll get one."

I've invested a lot of time and effort and WS treats me like a fool. :mad:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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For anyone trying to defend Wagershare just take a note of the following. Back in 2010, I started to see a large number of players becoming locked. These weren't your average $10 - $20 players, but decent players generating a nice amount of commission each month.

It got to the stage that in the summer of 2010, I went ballistic at Jarren, who refused to put me in touch with either Tim Whyles or Brian Suskin ans said my earnings which amounted to a good four figure sum, would be witheld until 3 months had lapsed, with no chargeback. I would then have to remind them to check whether a charge back was incurred. There was no automated system in place to do this.

Anyhow, I managed to get them to pay me, after threatening to out what they were doing on all the forums I have accounts on.

I have been an affiliate since 2004 and Wagershare are the only program that have such a high proportion of locked accounts and are also the only program I know, that with hold earnings whereby chargebacks have not arisen. Further more they also pulled a stunt back in 2006 when they pulled of the US, with holding US generated earnings in case of chargebacks.

They do not have a presence on any affiliate forums any more. The owners ie Tim and Brian are no longer reachable and they now have implemented this retroactive quota, which allows them to with hold your earnings from your existing plaayer base. ( They owe me around £500 currently, but apparently my affiliate account is now closed according to Stats Remote )

I have said it before and I will say it again, I trust Wagershare about as much as I would trust the likes of Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter to look after my kids.

If they currently are doing ok by you, don't come crying when they do decide to ram you up the backside.

So what is left there to promote from all the microgaming programs that do not rip you off ?

captain crooks casino
no share casino
bl job room casino
captain jack ass casino
no action casino
vegas joke casino
classic rip off casino
last web casino
7 thieves casino



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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This thread is about Wagershare is it not? Btw I only work with very few programs and there is very good reason why this is the case. TRUST.
I am not disagreeing with you guys on Wagershare.In fact I pulled them in 2009 but then they took over Betway and I had at least one great player there so we have been sending them crumbs of traffic just to keep the payments coming through on that one big player.I rather send them 3-4 players a month than lose a consistent $6000+ a month commission cheque.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 8, 2010
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We'll add our long story short here.

1) Since 2011 a number of locked players, most of them making multiple deposits and suddenly locking their accounts

2) They refused to pay us our commissions from October to December because our traffic was bad (bonus abusers) but that being said, we also had old active players playing but they still refused paying us. We were adviced to pull down banners, we were more than happy to do that :D As an open forum, we have no control over our traffic, except the fact that 99% of it comes from Finland.
We did get paid this month after emailing with them back and forth but were told that once they've done that, our affiliate account will be closed and we won't be getting a dime more. So. In other words. They stole all our active players and are not paying future commissions. We have all this in written form in emails received.

3) Our affiliate account is now locked. And will probably remain so unless someone helps us to have it reinstated.
I couldn't care less for future traffic for these a**holes but stealing all our old players isn't acceptable.
Eventhough we didn't even make much money with them- just a small payment monthly. It's just the principle.

4) I'm not surprised at all. These guys are not to be trusted...ever, learned it the hard way. Needless to say, I should've trusted what I read here and other forums. I don't think these threads would exist otherwise.
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Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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3) Our affiliate account is now locked. And will probably remain so unless someone helps us to have it reinstated.
I couldn't care less for future traffic for these a**holes but stealing all our old players isn't acceptable.
Eventhough we didn't even make much money with them- just a small payment monthly. It's just the principle.
Are you a member at CasinoMeister?
If not, sign up there and Pitch-A-Bitch.
He DOES accept PAB's against affy programs as well as those from players against casinos.

He still lists this group's casinos as accredited, despite all the damming evidence against them. Maybe if you PAB it might get him to sit up and take notice and in turn, get Wagershare to sit up and realise their behaviour is NOT acceptable.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Yep. In "Quit Gambling" group so I cannot do the PAB myself but will ask my co-admin to fill it out.
Thanks for the tip. Didn't know if was for affy programs as well :)


  1. AGD Terms Certification
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed



Audit coming soon

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