How much $$ do YOU make?

How much money do you make PER MONTH?

  • $0 - $500

    Votes: 93 29.7%
  • $500 - $1000

    Votes: 29 9.3%
  • $1000 - $5000

    Votes: 59 18.8%
  • $5000 - $10,000

    Votes: 44 14.1%
  • $10,000 - $20,000

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • $20,000 - $50,000

    Votes: 22 7.0%
  • $50,000 - $75,000

    Votes: 10 3.2%
  • $75,000 - $100,000

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • $100,000 - $150,000

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • > $150,000

    Votes: 20 6.4%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
When we first started out 6 yrs ago we went for 2 yrs not making anything hardly at all and what we did make we invested it right back into the biz. The thing to do in this industry is create a goal and stay on task for it no matter how many curve balls are tossed your way. Also don't put all your eggs in one basket I cannot tell you how many times we have had our top earning program go out of business on us not to mention processing issues. That is where you have to adapt and make sure you have at least 3 top earners with at least 3 more in the works to become the next top earner for you :) That's all for now folks I cannot give all my secrets away ..haha

I love being an entrepreneur in the online gaming biz I think the challenge is what drives me each and every day, I love to compete and I will be that person earning 150k a month one day!!;D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Very good post Bonustreak and newbies should pay close attention to that! I need a 'Post of the Month' award thingy like CasinoMeister (tm) has! I would certainly vote for that one.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Excellent thread! Wish I knew where to start my lol. I am sure you have all heard this before took me three years and not a dime. I am baffled over my earnings now because I really don’t know what I did lol.

1.Not one cent went towards advertising of any kind. I too believe not necessary unless you are using paper money to light camp fires.

2. Never used blogs or any of social networking tools available (this may change soon).

3. Cross-linking the last time was about two years ago. Never paid for a link either and no directory submissions.

4. Never communicated via Msn, Skype etc… only email (may change soon)

5. Seldom I communicate with Affiliate Managers. In fact I think I know roughly five AM’s by their first name. Out of the five only one has mutually earned my trust and confidence.

6. Pm’s from friends and colleagues per month maybe three, yup pretty dismal.

7. Attended one affiliate convention, but since 2005 attended three defcon rallies. Defcon not directly related to our industry.

8. Never outsourced for anything…correction once for content.

9. I apply 100% whitehat seo techniques, no short cuts.

Breaking into this industry was a huge challenge more than what I expected. If I did not have certain individuals push, motivate, advise me I may have given up. So I owe a lot my success (earnings wise) on individuals who unselfishly offered to help.

Mainly rely strictly on organic results, as I should spend a few years studying SEO. I find the conversions are better 1 in 20. I am very proud in saying I practice 100% whitehat techniques, absolutely no gray areas. I have over a dozen micro sites (5 pages or less) and a few larger sites (don’t ask).

I firmly believe build your site with integrity, honesty, and firmly believe in what you are doing is cool. Keep things simple and everything runs smoothly. Plan your work and work your plan, do not deviate from the plan stick with it.

Guess I could be doing more but I am pretty content with where I am today. I still have time to participate in other cyber activities.

Hope I offered a bit of alternative view on matters. This has been my experience.



New Member
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
I've been at this for about five years now. It's not easy you have to keep at it. Keeping your site updated is key. I'm not getting rich, but I'm making a few bucks and I'm always have fun!


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
What have you done differently to suddenly be profitable? I remember about a year and a half ago you were mentioning you were not doing so well. At the same time I recognized your abilities as an internet security professional.

What changed it for you? Did you spend more time on it? Take a different philosophical approach? I'm glad your doing great, and I'm cheering for you.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
What have you done differently to suddenly be profitable? I remember about a year and a half ago you were mentioning you were not doing so well. At the same time I recognized your abilities as an internet security professional.

What changed it for you? Did you spend more time on it? Take a different philosophical approach? I'm glad your doing great, and I'm cheering for you.

Scary question, I don’t know what I did lol. Roughly a year ago I decided to buckle down for a while. I kept asking myself what, why, how am I going to do this? Drew up a plan on paper and stuck to the plan. The knowledge was there but the focus wasn’t I suppose. I think with good time management skills and focus on working the plan worked for me.

Plus I would have to say having a good support system in place helps. I remember you giving me a few excellent pointers.

As for the Internet Security Professional this has expanded my horizons tremendously. This niche is very profitable and is growing exponentially. Cyber Criminals steal billions each year from the innocent. Cyber Forensics Analyst is in very high demand so I freelance occasionally. Feels good when justice is served but the work is very, very draining. So burn out happens frequently plus plan on going with out sleep for a few days.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score

It's a really good Thread :)

...and to make it hot.... i will give you an example for two poker affiliates that make around 150K per month: &

... to be honest i do not know casino affiliate that makes so much money per month


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
@lunaraurora - nope, doubt it. Those sites are way past the point of accepting basic affiliate deals.

More to the point - you can make money in this industry by being smart. You don't need huge amounts of traffic because you can capture gamblers at the end of their buying cycle. Alternatively, you can have a website that delivers value that it's competitors don't. Or you can leverage a related (for example, sports) website and capture a few casual gamblers.

There's lots of ways to make money in this industry, but we're at the point where you need to add value.


New Member
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
I have had some sites and just done this for fun in 2 years or something now.
My guess is that i have made $2000-2500. (Thats $2000-2500 more than all my friends earned online);D

Some months i earned $0 some months $200..

The reason why i think is that i focused to much in poker, and it bored me out.
Now im gonna try the casino affiliate world and im gonna earn some big cash!
First day as an casino affiliate i got 1 depositing player. I haven't got that as poker affiliate for a long while :p:p:p
I have just bought some new domains and gonna build a network of maby 10 sites that im gonna make grow.

I have a forum that is growing and i have around 500 emails that i can reach out to.

I hope i in 6-9 months can make enough money for my life trip, with my friend.
We are leaving the county and going for an adventure for some months/years, just to get away from this country and see the world.

I think this is all from me.. (Sry for bad english) :):D

/ Robin
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New Member
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score

It's a really good Thread :)

...and to make it hot.... i will give you an example for two poker affiliates that make around 150K per month: &

... to be honest i do not know casino affiliate that makes so much money per month

Regarding I think you are far away from the truth: they have more than 80 regular employees, 150k is hardly covering even half of their salaries...


New Member
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Most of the months for the last year or so it's been just a few bucks. Done so much better before the UIGEA was signed. But I'm plugging away and really do think things will get better soon.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
I am putting in money at this moment so I can not answer this poll.

Excluding developing (and buying stuff for that) my operating are less than $100/month though.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Very impressive numbers. Just to clarify though, are we talking bottom line profit or gross casino earnings before expenses?

I'd imagine these would be very different numbers, particularly for the guys at the top end of the results